Get a Skyline Chili dog if you must, but the real top dog at Great American is the Big Red Smokey. Top it with sauerkraut and Woeber's Düsseldorf mustard, and enjoy it with a Moerlein OTR ale.
Watching our Reds play post-season was easily a top 3 moment 4me! GAB is a clean, classypark w/a good beer selection & most of us are truly there 2have fun minus mistreatment of opposing team fans. ☺
Enjoy food from a variety of Cincinnati favorites like Skyline, LaRosas, Frischs, Graeters and Taste of Belgium or save a few bucks and bring your own food in for the game.
Such a cute, little ballpark! I love how you can sit literally anywhere in this park and feel like you could see everything that goes on during the game.
Tons of good seats in this house. Be sure to spend some time in the Banks to the west of the stadium. Food, drinks, and beautiful green space on the Ohio River.
The Skyline Chili Dog is a must, but if you want to do WORK, there are funnel fries. That is, funnel cake in French fry form. Put one under your nose, & you’ll have a mustache akin to Mr. Redlegs.
Sitting at the bar tops under the smoke stacks is a great view to see, once. Let's say it's the best place on a nice day if you're not really into watching the game, though.
Buy your "Split the Pot" ticket from a Coldwell Banker volunteer up until the 4th inning - see if you're a winner in the 8th! For a great cause and you can go home with more money than you came with.
For the best photos, shoot the front of the stadium around sunset to get a nice color blue in the sky. Get one of the player statues in your shot for extra effect.
Great American Ball Park is home to the Cincinnati Reds. Fans will love coming here for a game, as well as to the very cool Reds Hall of Fame and Museum!
Buy cheap tickets and come an hour before gates open. Go to the machine room and get an outside table. Great view, food, drinks and service for the whole game.
SPLIT THE POT: purchase split the pot tickets to help the reds community fund and WIN half of the amount collected! Thank u Coldwell Banker agents, ask Charli how to sell ur home 4 top dollar!
Stop by Fan Accommodations (near sections 119 & 420) to receive a free personalized certificate for a first Reds game, birthday, anniversary or foul ball catch. 続きを見る
The Great Flood of April 1913 forced boats to launch from the corner of Pearl & Broadway (roughly under the left field stands). Collection of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.
Don’t forget to use At Bat on your Android, iPhone, iPad or iPod, BlackBerry or Windows 7 device to follow all the action on the field and around the league while you are at the park. 続きを見る
Get a top six seat for $5 grab some grub from the $1 window in the fan zone and a beer all for under $15! Chances are you'll get a better seat and hopefully a Reds win!
Come see America's favorite pastime at this beautiful park we call home to our Cincinnati Reds. Try a slice of LaRosa's pizza, Skyline chili dog and you must get a helmet sundae!