Metropolitan Museum of Art


(Metropolitan Museum of Art)
セントラルパーク, ニューヨーク市
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    "New world meet old world, and let us introduce you to free WIFI (無料 wifi)."(8 つの Tips)
    "Great Hall Balcony (バルコニー)"(6 つの Tips)
    Kamaria M.
    "Costume (衣装) institute and temple of dendur are always great"(16 つの Tips)
    Brian P.
    "Check out the roof garden (庭園), great views of the city over the park."(38 つの Tips)
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  • xu x.
    xu xiuxiu10月 13, 2016
    @大都会艺术博物馆 Metropolitan Museum of Art美国最大的艺术博物馆 我承认 真的3天3夜也看不完Tips:如果不买CityPass的话,大都会的门票采取的是捐赠制一样不能带吃的进去,而且背包会提醒你背在胸前,怕碰到展品大都会层高虽不高,但真的极大,一定在外面中厅拿好中文版本的地图有的放矢,找厕所也容易乎
    プラス投票 Feb 21
  • Iori
    Iori9月 4, 2016
  • Kenjiユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Kenji10月 17, 2015
  • Yuji S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Yuji Some12hold1月 8, 2018
  • vb_vユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    vb_v2月 23, 2018
  • Ryosuke R.
    Ryosuke Ryosuke2月 16, 2012
  • Stacy S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Stacy Shannon2月 21, 2015
    You probably need two days (or lots of dedication and an early start) to see the Met in its entirety. Go in and grab a map to make your game plan ahead of time if you can. I loved the American wing!
    プラス投票 Jan 19
  • naveen
    naveen3月 28, 2012
    "meet me at the met.": what better place to have a quiet catchup with someone? favorite rooms: chinese garden; temple of dendur; japanese reading room (which has a high view looking into the temple)
    プラス投票 3週間前
  • Rebecca B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Rebecca Balnis10月 18, 2017
    If you're a fan of Angela Lansbury be sure to go to the armory, raise your hands and recite "Traguna macoities dracorum sayteste."
    プラス投票 1週間前
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍6月 6, 2018
    Stunning is the closest I can use. The Met is massive, exudes beauty, oozes history, reveres religious artifacts, preserves the past & awakens the future. One of the world's most awe-inspiring museums
  • VacazionaViajes
    VacazionaViajes8月 30, 2012
    Es el segundo museo más visitado del mundo por detrás del Louvre de París. Si tenéis poco tiempo, las zonas más interesantes son la Romana y la Egipcia, así como los cuadros de la segunda planta.
  • Angie Z.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Angie Zúñiga12月 15, 2017
    Un lugar muy lindo! Las colecciones que más me gustaron fueron la egipcia y la de la época medieval. Para quienes vieron Gossip Girl, las escaleras del MUT son donde Blair y Serena se reunían
  • Graeme M.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Graeme Mills11月 8, 2016
    This place has a fantastic environment. Friendly and welcoming to all yet luxurious and fun. The collection of renaissance art is unbelievable. Check that out if you don't know where else to go.
  • Enrique M.
    Enrique Marín8月 12, 2015
    Una locura de lugar para morir en paz. Visiten su terraza, la mejor pinche vista de Central Park y el skyline de Manhattan. Mi lugar favorito en NY.
  • Marie L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Marie La Rue11月 22, 2018
    One of NYC top cultural destinations, do not miss. Temple of Dendur is a standout. So much to see and grandiose temporary exhibits. Also love having cocktails on the mezzanine over the weekends.
  • Anna P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Anna Peskova4月 4, 2016
    рекомендованная цена — 25 долларов. однако вы можете дать всего 1$ — 'the amount you pay is up to you'. на самом деле не жалко даже 25$ — музей настолько невероятно крутой, что стоит любых денег.
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍8月 21, 2016
    I'm a sucker for art museums, and the Met is in the top tier of art musems around the world. A gold standard in the world of museums. There are not enough superlatives to describe how incredible it is
  • Mariana S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mariana Santos10月 1, 2018
    O melhor museu de história mundial que já visitei. Preparar para estar la umas boas horas para ver o museu com atenção, vale a pena. Ambiente exterior igualmente bom, principalmente durante verão.
  • sユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    s3月 13, 2019
    I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I told you that the Met has the best collection of art in the entire country. From antiquity to contemporary, they have thousands of years’ worth of art from all around.
  • Volponi L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gostei muito do tour guiado do diretor. Você pega o mapinha no balcão (lado esq), e com o Wi-Fi grátis você acessa o tour no site do museu e vai ouvindo. 90 min cada andar. Incrível!
  • AlAnoud A A.
    AlAnoud A AlGhunaim8月 22, 2017
    Oh my❤️ you'd lose track of time❤️ breathtakingly beautiful, Roman wing was exquisite❤️ American wing has the finest collection of Louise Tiffany, and don't miss the gift shop! The books👌🏻
  • Ksenia K.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ksenia Komkova6月 29, 2018
    Огромная коллекция: от постимпрессионистов до искусства Океании. Отличный Вермеер. Великолепная подборка французской живописи. Билет действует в течение 3х дней - есть шанс осмотреть все без спешки.
  • Iro P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Iro Prodromou5月 14, 2015
    If you don't want to spend a lot of hours wandering,you should visit their site&mark all the exhibits you want to see and the galleries that they are located!Take a free map at the entrance and voilà!
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍8月 21, 2016
    Get a map & choose carefully because you cant cover so much in a day. Dont check all the exhibits in one day, keep your eagerness intense & check it in several days. Enjoy artistas this place is epic!
  • Diana A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Diana Arz11月 21, 2018
    Incredible museum. So much to see and to learn! Friday & Saturday it’s open till 9 pm, and the ticket works for 3 days! We spent 2 evenings there without crowds. We’ll be back. Loved Egyptian exhibit.
  • Xiao Y.
    Xiao Yu11月 26, 2018
    So profoundly shocking how much art and relics were robbed from other cultures and brought here
  • Duke P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Duke Perkins8月 23, 2015
    That's my spot! The museum feels endless. The collections make your mouth water if you like history. Wear coZy shoes and if the day is nice, you can hit the roof for a glass of wine.
  • Vanessa B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Vanessa Borges10月 11, 2016
    If I had to pick one museum to visit in NYC it would be THE MET. Keep in mind that you probably won't be able to see everything in one day. The entrance price is suggested. 👌🏻
  • Harryユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Harry5月 30, 2015
    Went with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. The modern art, tribal art, and antique furniture sections were particularly interesting. Don't miss the view from the newly opened rooftop!!
  • Got K.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Got Knot6月 5, 2014
    Spent half a day here and was NOT enough time to absorb the history. This museum is a MUST stop for any visit to the city. The roof top area was the icing on the cake of a perfect day.
  • Nikki B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nikki Beauchamp9月 7, 2015
    This maybe my personal favorite museum- for as long as I can remember. In fact I used to ask to come here so often dad thought it most practical to become a member. A must visit as often as possible
  • eric b.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    eric bornemann10月 23, 2018
    Simply the soul of the city - The hallowed halls are filled with many memories and so much wonder. Do the temporary exhibits and then pick a random room you’ve never been to before and loose yourself.
  • cj f.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    cj fitzgerald3月 20, 2018
    New York's largest museum, you can easily spend all day here. My favorite parts are the Decorative Arts & the costume exhibit from May-September. Visit the rooftop for stunning views of Central Park.
  • Harumi U.
    Harumi U12月 19, 2014
    In addition to a number of recognizable arts, you get to see a huge collection of various arts as well as timed-exhibits. All included in ticket. And a beautiful Christmas tree during the season!
  • Chris D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Chris Durso8月 22, 2018
    The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an incredibly diverse display of cultures, art and world history. Needs a few days, or even a lifetime of sporadic visits to fully enjoy.
  • Mattユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Matt7月 21, 2016
    Almost too overwhelming, I think it would take a week to see everything. I thought all the furniture was cool. I definitely appreciate the museum more now than as a teenager. Get a map, you'll need it
  • Charles P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Charles P.12月 23, 2016
    Guided docent tours have been really outstanding. You can't see everything, but it is great to have a volunteer pick out 8-10 of the items they are knowledgeable and passionate about.
  • Julie S.
    Julie Soscia1月 27, 2019
    The views are great and so are the installations. Head to the rooftop for refreshing beverages. You can use your ticket up to 3 days after, so be sure to hold onto it if you want to go back.
  • Jon S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jon Steinback8月 3, 2014
    if you're looking for a not-crowded area to sit and sketch, the new american wing is usually pretty empty (especially compared to the european paintings galleries).
  • lola s.
    lola sola11月 26, 2017
    Definitely go to the temple of dendur, Greek art, arts of Africa/Oceania and European sculpture and decorative arts. In Modern and contemporary art(Picasso’s work). I️ didn’t like the American wing
  • Thelocaltripperユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Thelocaltripper6月 6, 2015
    Was in town for the weekend and was able to see the China through the looking glass fashion exhibition. It was beautiful! The museum is huge and has so much to offer! Highly recommend!
  • Gaetane G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gaetane Gomes10月 9, 2014
    I mean, can you go wrong? Been a member for 6 years although my recent visit to the American Wing & Exhibitions was a pleasant surprise! Go now, Run!
  • Ann O.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ann Osipova5月 28, 2017
    Suggested admission. The museum is so big, it will take a week to see everything. Like temporary exhibition of Irving Penn photos👏🏻
  • Jacob F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jacob Ford6月 30, 2016
    For the secret stairs to the roof, face the entrance doors to gallery 908. Slide 10 paces to your left and enter the door labeled STAIR R-4.
  • Chad C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Chad Curry1月 31, 2015
    The halls are huge here. The Egyptian exhibit is a must for anyone with kids. We spent three hours at the museum & felt like we could have spent another 10 and still not seen everything.
  • Paul F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Paul Fraites1月 2, 2018
    The second time I visit the museum and I was not able to see it all! You need a few days to properly see what the museum has to offer. We went specifically to the Michelangelo exhibition. Great work!
  • The Tastes that Make the City
    The rooftop bar and cafe is the best rooftop garden in NYC, making our list of "The Tastes That Make the City: NYC Edition." 続きを見る
  • Condé Nast Traveler
    Head past the Rodins and up to the fifth-floor garden atop the Metropolitan Museum of Art for magnificent views of Central Park. 続きを見る
  • AFAR Media
    AFAR Media8月 12, 2014
    The Damascus Room is a wood-paneled 18th century Ottoman reception room in the gallery of Islamic art. It hails from an upper class Syrian home and was likely used in the winter to keep guests warm. 続きを見る
  • Jacob F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jacob Forster7月 6, 2015
    Seriously. Don't forget to visit the rooftop garden cafe. The view is fantastic! The entrance is located deep in the medieval section.


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  • mary and michael jaharis gallery @ the met ニューヨーク市 •
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  • metropolitan museum ニューヨーク市 •
  • metropolitan museum of art ニューヨーク市 •
  • metropolitan museum of art - temple of dendur ニューヨーク市 •
  • メトロポリタン美術館 セントラルパーク ニューヨーク市

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