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EU Science Hub


The JRC maintains a wide range of laboratories and research infrastructures across five EU countries and six sites. Several offer open access: see if any research infrastructures are currently open

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Laboratories (43)

Showing results 20 to 40
Scientific equipment for particle analysis at the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (LG-SIMS) Laboratory.
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Large Geometry-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry provides cutting-edge technology required for environmental sample analysis for nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation.

Liquid Lead Laboratory (LILLA)
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LILLA allows performing mechanical tests in liquid lead with controlled dissolved oxygen concentrations up to 650°C.

  • research body
  • MCL

The Micro-Characterization Laboratory contributes to the development of materials performance assessment methodologies based on micrometer-sized specimens.

Nanobiotechnology Laboratory view
  • research body
  • Nanobiotech

The Nanobiotechnology Laboratory has facilities for interdisciplinary studies on nanomaterials, nanomedicines, and micro(nano)plastics

Nuclear Target Preparation Laboratories
  • research body

The JRC produces and characterises a variety of targets for high-precision measurements of neutron-reaction data at the GELINA and MONNET accelerators

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  • Openlab

The Open Space Laboratory is used to develop technologies to support research on cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, privacy, data protection and fight against cybercrime.

Radionuclide metrology laboratories of the Joint Research Centre at Geel, Belgium
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The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratories are a cluster of instruments for both radiological characterisation of materials and high accuracy radioactivity measurements.

Finalisation of processing of an infant formula reference material
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  • RMPL

The Reference Material Production Laboratory is a support and processing facility for the development and production of Certified Reference Materials to support and implement European Legislation.

Uniaxial Creep test laboratory.
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  • SMPA

The Structural Materials Performance Assessment laboratories of the JRC Petten provides mechanical performance characterisation, life assessment and qualification of structural materials for present and next generation nuclear systems.

EUSECTRA provides hands-on training using real nuclear materials.
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The European Nuclear Security Training Centre instructs front-line officers, trainers and experts on how to detect and respond to illicit trafficking of nuclear or other radioactive materials.