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Laboratories (43)
RSSThe AMALIA laboratory carries out research in the area of ageing of materials under the effect of environmentally assisted cracking in water environment.

Large Geometry-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry provides cutting-edge technology required for environmental sample analysis for nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation.

LILLA allows performing mechanical tests in liquid lead with controlled dissolved oxygen concentrations up to 650°C.

The Marine Optical Laboratory is primarily intended to support the JRC marine activities addressing the fitness for purpose of satellite derived data

The Micro-Characterization Laboratory contributes to the development of materials performance assessment methodologies based on micrometer-sized specimens.

The Nanobiotechnology Laboratory has facilities for interdisciplinary studies on nanomaterials, nanomedicines, and micro(nano)plastics

The Nuclear Reference Material and Measurement Facility consists of the nuclear chemistry and mass spectrometry laboratories.

The JRC produces and characterises a variety of targets for high-precision measurements of neutron-reaction data at the GELINA and MONNET accelerators

The Nuclear and Trace Analysis facility of the JRC Karlruhe provides of a set of analytical methods developed for the chemical, physical and spectroscopic analysis of actinides and nuclear materials.
The Open Space Laboratory is used to develop technologies to support research on cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, privacy, data protection and fight against cybercrime.

These elements are the backbone of nuclear fission technologies for electricity supply, with important applications in other strategic fields, from water management to space exploration and human health.

The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratories are a cluster of instruments for both radiological characterisation of materials and high accuracy radioactivity measurements.

The Reference Material Production Laboratory is a support and processing facility for the development and production of Certified Reference Materials to support and implement European Legislation.

Promoting the interoperability of digital energy in the interface between smart homes and smart grids.

The Structural Materials Performance Assessment laboratories of the JRC Petten provides mechanical performance characterisation, life assessment and qualification of structural materials for present and next generation nuclear systems.

This high intensity neutron source is driven by a vertical 3.5 MV Tandem accelerator producing either continuous or pulsed ion beams.
The European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing runs experimental facilities that are engaged in the development, validation and standardisation of in vitro methods.

The European Nuclear Security Training Centre instructs front-line officers, trainers and experts on how to detect and respond to illicit trafficking of nuclear or other radioactive materials.

The JRC's Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility is one of the best pulsed white spectrum neutron sources available in the world.

Laboratory for ultralow-level radioactivity measurements.