iOS设备的屏幕刷新频率是固定的,CADisplayLink 在正常情况下会在每次刷新结束都被调用,精确度相当高。但如果调用的方法比较耗时,超过了屏幕刷新周期,就会导致跳过若干次回调调用机会。
如果CPU过于繁忙,无法保证屏幕 60次/秒 的刷新率,就会导致跳过若干次调用回调方法的机会,跳过次数取决CPU的忙碌程度。
// See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cadisplaylink
public protocol DisplayLinkProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
/// 每帧之间的时间,60HZ的刷新率为每秒60次,每次刷新需要1/60秒,大约16.7毫秒
var duration: CFTimeInterval { get }
/// 返回每个帧之间的时间,即每个屏幕刷新之间的时间间隔
var timestamp: CFTimeInterval { get }
/// 定义每次之间必须传递多少个显示帧
var frameInterval: Int { get }
/// 是否处于暂停状态
var isPaused: Bool { get set }
/// 使用您指定的目标和选择器创建显示链接
/// 将在“target”上调用名为“sel”的方法,该方法对应``(void)selector:(CADisplayLink *)sender``
init(target: Any, selector sel: Selector)
/// 将接收器添加到给定的运行循环和模式中
func add(to runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode)
/// 从运行循环的给定模式中移除接收器
func remove(from runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode)
/// 销毁计时器,并释放“目标”对象
func invalidate()
- 初始化
然后把 CADisplayLink 对象添加到 runloop 中后,并给它提供一个 target 和 select 在屏幕刷新的时候调用
/// Responsible for starting and stopping the animation.
private lazy var displayLink: CADisplayLink = {
self.displayLinkInitialized = true
let target = DisplayLinkProxy(target: self)
let display = CADisplayLink(target: target, selector: #selector(onScreenUpdate(_:)))
//displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: RunLoop.Mode.common)
display.add(to: .current, forMode: RunLoop.Mode.default)
display.isPaused = true
return display
- 停止方法
执行 invalidate 操作时,CADisplayLink 对象就会从 runloop 中移除,selector 调用也随即停止
deinit {
if displayLinkInitialized {
- 开启or暂停
/// Start animating.
func startAnimating() {
if frameStore?.isAnimatable ?? false {
displayLink.isPaused = false
/// Stop animating.
func stopAnimating() {
displayLink.isPaused = true
- 每帧之间的时间
/// The refresh rate of 60HZ is 60 times per second, each refresh takes 1/60 of a second about 16.7 milliseconds.
var duration: CFTimeInterval {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.duration }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoRefreshPeriod) / CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTimeScale)
- 上一次屏幕刷新的时间戳
/// Returns the time between each frame, that is, the time interval between each screen refresh.
var timestamp: CFTimeInterval {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.timestamp }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTime) / CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTimeScale)
- 定义每次之间必须传递多少个显示帧
用来设置间隔多少帧调用一次 selector 方法,默认值是1,即每帧都调用一次。如果每帧都调用一次的话,对于iOS设备来说那刷新频率就是60HZ也就是每秒60次,如果将 frameInterval 设为2那么就会两帧调用一次,也就是变成了每秒刷新30次。
/// Sets how many frames between calls to the selector method, defult 1
var frameInterval: Int {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.frameInterval }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return timeStampRef.rateScalar
/// A proxy class to avoid a retain cycle with the display link.
final class DisplayLinkProxy: NSObject {
weak var target: Animator?
init(target: Animator) {
self.target = target
/// Lets the target update the frame if needed.
@objc func onScreenUpdate(_ sender: CADisplayLink) {
guard let animator = target, let store = animator.frameStore else {
if store.isFinished {
store.shouldChangeFrame(with: sender.duration) {
if $0 { animator.delegate.updateImageIfNeeded() }
// CADisplayLink.swift
// Harbeth
// Created by Condy on 2023/1/6.
import Foundation
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
public typealias CADisplayLink = Harbeth.DisplayLink
// See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/cadisplaylink
public protocol DisplayLinkProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
/// The refresh rate of 60HZ is 60 times per second, each refresh takes 1/60 of a second about 16.7 milliseconds.
var duration: CFTimeInterval { get }
/// Returns the time between each frame, that is, the time interval between each screen refresh.
var timestamp: CFTimeInterval { get }
/// Sets how many frames between calls to the selector method, defult 1
var frameInterval: Int { get }
/// A Boolean value that indicates whether the system suspends the display link’s notifications to the target.
var isPaused: Bool { get set }
/// Creates a display link with the target and selector you specify.
/// It will invoke the method called `sel` on `target`, the method has the signature ``(void)selector:(CADisplayLink *)sender``.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: An object the system notifies to update the screen.
/// - sel: The method to call on the target.
init(target: Any, selector sel: Selector)
/// Adds the receiver to the given run-loop and mode.
/// - Parameters:
/// - runloop: The run loop to associate with the display link.
/// - mode: The mode in which to add the display link to the run loop.
func add(to runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode)
/// Removes the receiver from the given mode of the runloop.
/// This will implicitly release it when removed from the last mode it has been registered for.
/// - Parameters:
/// - runloop: The run loop to associate with the display link.
/// - mode: The mode in which to remove the display link to the run loop.
func remove(from runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode)
/// Removes the object from all runloop modes and releases the `target` object.
func invalidate()
/// Analog to the CADisplayLink in iOS.
public final class DisplayLink: NSObject, DisplayLinkProtocol {
// This is the value of CADisplayLink.
private static let duration = 0.016666667
private static let frameInterval = 1
private static let timestamp = 0.0 // 该值随时会变,就取个开始值吧!
private let target: Any
private let selector: Selector
private let selParameterNumbers: Int
private let timer: CVDisplayLink?
private var source: DispatchSourceUserDataAdd?
private var timeStampRef: CVTimeStamp = CVTimeStamp()
/// Use this callback when the Selector parameter exceeds 1.
public var callback: Optional<(_ displayLink: DisplayLink) -> ()> = nil
/// The refresh rate of 60HZ is 60 times per second, each refresh takes 1/60 of a second about 16.7 milliseconds.
public var duration: CFTimeInterval {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.duration }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoRefreshPeriod) / CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTimeScale)
/// Returns the time between each frame, that is, the time interval between each screen refresh.
public var timestamp: CFTimeInterval {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.timestamp }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTime) / CFTimeInterval(timeStampRef.videoTimeScale)
/// Sets how many frames between calls to the selector method, defult 1
public var frameInterval: Int {
guard let timer = timer else { return DisplayLink.frameInterval }
CVDisplayLinkGetCurrentTime(timer, &timeStampRef)
return Int(timeStampRef.rateScalar)
public init(target: Any, selector sel: Selector) {
self.target = target
self.selector = sel
self.selParameterNumbers = DisplayLink.selectorParameterNumbers(sel)
var timerRef: CVDisplayLink? = nil
self.timer = timerRef
public func add(to runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode) {
if let _ = self.source {
self.source = createSource(with: runloop)
public func remove(from runloop: RunLoop, forMode mode: RunLoop.Mode) {
self.source = nil
public var isPaused: Bool = false {
didSet {
isPaused ? suspend() : start()
public func invalidate() {
deinit {
if running() {
extension DisplayLink {
/// Get the number of parameters contained in the Selector method.
private class func selectorParameterNumbers(_ sel: Selector) -> Int {
var number: Int = 0
for x in sel.description where x == ":" {
number += 1
return number
/// Starts the timer.
private func start() {
guard !running(), let timer = timer else {
if source?.isCancelled ?? false {
} else {
/// Suspend the timer.
private func suspend() {
guard running(), let timer = timer else {
/// Cancels the timer, can be restarted aftewards.
private func cancel() {
guard running(), let timer = timer else {
if source?.isCancelled ?? false {
private func running() -> Bool {
guard let timer = timer else { return false }
return CVDisplayLinkIsRunning(timer)
private func createSource(with runloop: RunLoop) -> DispatchSourceUserDataAdd? {
guard let timer = timer else {
return nil
let queue: DispatchQueue = runloop == RunLoop.main ? .main : .global()
let source = DispatchSource.makeUserDataAddSource(queue: queue)
var successLink = CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(timer, { (_, _, _, _, _, pointer) -> CVReturn in
if let sourceUnsafeRaw = pointer {
let sourceUnmanaged = Unmanaged<DispatchSourceUserDataAdd>.fromOpaque(sourceUnsafeRaw)
sourceUnmanaged.takeUnretainedValue().add(data: 1)
return kCVReturnSuccess
}, Unmanaged.passUnretained(source).toOpaque())
guard successLink == kCVReturnSuccess else {
return nil
successLink = CVDisplayLinkSetCurrentCGDisplay(timer, CGMainDisplayID())
guard successLink == kCVReturnSuccess else {
return nil
// Timer setup
source.setEventHandler(handler: { [weak self] in
guard let `self` = self, let target = self.target as? NSObjectProtocol else {
switch self.selParameterNumbers {
case 0 where self.selector.description.isEmpty == false:
case 1:
target.perform(self.selector, with: self)
return source
- 注入灵魂出窍、rbga色彩转换、分屏操作之后如下所展示;
let filters: [C7FilterProtocol] = [
C7SoulOut(soul: 0.75),
C7ColorConvert(with: .rbga),
C7Storyboard(ranks: 2),
let named = " ``GIF Link`` "
imageView.play(with: named, filters: filters)
- 再附上一个图像框架ImageXDemo地址
- 再附上一个Metal滤镜库HarbethDemo地址,目前包含
种滤镜。 - 再附上一个开发加速库KJCategoriesDemo地址
- 再附上一个网络基础库RxNetworksDemo地址
- 喜欢的老板们可以点个星🌟,谢谢各位老板!!!