List of controller configuration keys

This document gives a list of all the configuration keys that can be applied to a Juju controller.


agent-logfile-max-backups is the maximum number of old agent log files to keep (compressed; saved on each unit, synced to the controller).

Type: integer

Default value: 2

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


agent-logfile-max-size is the maximum file size of each agent log file, in MB.

Type: string

Default value: 100M

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


agent-ratelimit-max is the maximum size of the token bucket used to ratelimit the agent connections to the API server.

Type: integer

Default value: 10

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


agent-ratelimit-rate is the interval at which a new token is added to the token bucket, in milliseconds (ms).

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 250ms

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


allow-model-access sets whether the controller will allow users to connect to models they have been authorized for, even when they don’t have any access rights to the controller itself.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


api-port is the port used for api connections.

Type: integer

Default value: 17070

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


api-port-open-delay is a duration that the controller will wait between when the controller has been deemed to be ready to open the api-port and when the api-port is actually opened. This value is only used when a controller-api-port value is set.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 2s

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


application-resource-download-limit limits the number of concurrent resource download requests from unit agents which will be served. The limit is per application. Use a value of 0 to disable the limit.

Type: integer

Default value: 0

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


audit-log-capture-args determines whether the audit log will contain the arguments passed to API methods.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


audit-log-exclude-methods is a list of Facade.Method names that aren’t interesting for audit logging purposes. A conversation with only calls to these will be excluded from the log. (They’ll still appear in conversations that have other interesting calls though.).

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


audit-log-max-backups is the number of old audit log files to keep (compressed).

Type: integer

Default value: 10

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


audit-log-max-size is the maximum size for the current audit log file, eg “250M”.

Type: string

Default value: 300M

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


auditing-enabled determines whether the controller will record auditing information.

Type: boolean

Default value: true

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


autocert-dns-name sets the DNS name of the controller. If a client connects to this name, an official certificate will be automatically requested. Connecting to any other host name will use the usual self-generated certificate.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


autocert-url sets the URL used to obtain official TLS certificates when a client connects to the API. By default, certficates are obtains from LetsEncrypt. A good value for testing is “”.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


ca-cert is the key for the controller’s CA certificate attribute.

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


caas-image-repo sets the docker repo to use for the jujud operator and mongo images.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


This key is deprecated.

caas-operator-image-path sets the URL of the docker image used for the application operator. Deprecated: use caas-image-repo.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


controller-api-port is an optional port that may be set for controllers that have a very heavy load. If this port is set, this port is used by the controllers to talk to each other - used for the local API connection as well as the pubsub forwarders. If this value is set, the api-port isn’t opened until the controllers have started properly.

Type: integer

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


controller-name is the canonical name for the controller.

Type: non-empty string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


controller-resource-download-limit limits the number of concurrent resource download requests from unit agents which will be served. The limit is for the combined total of all applications on the controller. Use a value of 0 to disable the limit.

Type: integer

Default value: 0

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


controller-uuid is the key for the controller UUID attribute.

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


features allows a list of runtime changeable features to be updated.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


identity-public-key sets the public key of the identity manager. Use this when users should be managed externally rather than created locally on the controller.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


identity-url sets the URL of the identity manager. Use this when users should be managed externally rather than created locally on the controller.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


juju-db-snap-channel selects the channel to use when installing Mongo snaps for focal or later. The value is ignored for older releases.

Type: string

Default value: 4.4/stable

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


juju-ha-space is the network space within which the MongoDB replica-set should communicate.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


juju-mgmt-space is the network space that agents should use to communicate with controllers.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


jujud-controller-snap-source returns the source for the controller snap. Can be set to “legacy”, “snapstore”, “local” or “local-dangerous”. Cannot be changed.

Type: string

Default value: legacy

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


login-token-refresh-url sets the URL of the login JWT well-known endpoint. Use this when authentication/authorisation is done using a JWT in the login request rather than a username/password or macaroon and a local permissions model.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


max-agent-state-size is the maximum allowed size of internal state data that agents can store to the controller in bytes. A value of 0 disables the quota checks although in principle, mongo imposes a hard (but configurable) limit of 16M.

Type: integer

Default value: 524288

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


max-charm-state-size is the maximum allowed size of charm-specific per-unit state data that charms can store to the controller in bytes. A value of 0 disables the quota checks although in principle, mongo imposes a hard (but configurable) limit of 16M.

Type: integer

Default value: 2097152

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


max-debug-log-duration is used to provide a backstop to the execution of a debug-log command. If someone starts a debug-log session in a remote screen for example, it is very easy to disconnect from the screen while leaving the debug-log process running. This causes unnecessary load on the API server. The max debug-log duration has a default of 24 hours, which should be more than enough time for a debugging session.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 24h0m0s

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


This key is deprecated.

max-prune-txn-batch-size (deprecated) is the maximum number of transactions we will evaluate in one go when pruning. Default is 1M transactions. A value <= 0 indicates to do all transactions at once.

Type: integer

Default value: 1000000

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


This key is deprecated.

max-prune-txn-passes (deprecated) is the maximum number of batches that we will process. So total number of transactions that can be processed is max-prune-txn-batch-size * max-prune-txn-passes. A value <= 0 implies ‘do a single pass’. If both max-prune-txn-batch-size and max-prune-txn-passes are 0, then the default value of 1M BatchSize and 100 passes will be used instead.

Type: integer

Default value: 100

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


max-txn-log-size is the maximum size the of capped txn log collection, eg “10M”.

Type: string

Default value: 10M

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


migration-agent-wait-time is the maximum time that the migration-master worker will wait for agents to report for a migration phase when executing a model migration.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 15m0s

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


model-logfile-max-backups is the number of old model log files to keep (compressed).

Type: integer

Default value: 2

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


model-logfile-max-size is the maximum size of the log file written out by the controller on behalf of workers running for a model.

Type: string

Default value: 10M

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


mongo-memory-profile sets the memory profile for MongoDB. Valid values are:

  • “low”: use the least possible memory

  • “default”: use the default memory profile.

Type: string

Default value: default

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


object-store-s3-endpoint is the endpoint to use for S3 object stores.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


object-store-s3-static-key is the static key to use for S3 object stores.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


object-store-s3-static-secret is the static secret to use for S3 object stores.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


object-store-s3-static-session is the static session token to use for S3 object stores.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


object-store-type is the type of object store to use for storing blobs. This isn’t currently allowed to be changed dynamically, that will come when we support multiple object store types (not including state).

Type: string

Default value: file

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-enabled returns whether open telemetry is enabled.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-endpoint returns the endpoint at which the telemetry will be pushed to.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-insecure returns if the telemetry collector endpoint is insecure or not. Useful for debug or local testing.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-sample-ratio returns the sample ratio for open telemetry.

Type: string

Default value: 0.10

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-stack-traces return whether stack traces should be added per span.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


open-telemetry-tail-sampling-threshold returns the tail sampling threshold for open telemetry as a duration.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 1ms

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


prune-txn-query-count is the number of transactions to read in a single query. Minimum of 10, a value of 0 will indicate to use the default value (1000).

Type: integer

Default value: 1000

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


prune-txn-sleep-time is the amount of time to sleep between processing each batch query. This is used to reduce load on the system, allowing other queries to time to operate. On large controllers, processing 1000 txs seems to take about 100ms, so a sleep time of 10ms represents a 10% slowdown, but allows other systems to operate concurrently. A negative number will indicate to use the default, a value of 0 indicates to not sleep at all.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 10ms

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


public-dns-address is the public DNS address (and port) of the controller.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


query-tracing-enabled returns whether query tracing is enabled. If so, any queries which take longer than query-tracing-threshold will be logged.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


query-tracing-threshold returns the “threshold” for query tracing. Any queries which take longer than this value will be logged (if query tracing is enabled). The lower the threshold, the more queries will be output. A value of 0 means all queries will be output.

Type: TimeDurationString

Default value: 1s

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


This key is deprecated.

set-numa-control-policy (true/false) is deprecated. Use to configure whether mongo is started with NUMA controller policy turned on.

Type: boolean

Default value: false

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


ssh-max-concurrent-connections is the maximum number of concurrent SSH connections to the controller.

Type: integer

Default value: 100

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


ssh-server-port is the port used for the embedded SSH server.

Type: integer

Default value: 17022

Can be changed after bootstrap: yes


state-port is the port used for mongo connections.

Type: integer

Default value: 37017

Can be changed after bootstrap: no


system-ssh-keys returns the set of ssh keys that should be trusted by agents of this controller regardless of the model.

Type: string

Can be changed after bootstrap: no