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Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights

We support policymaking with evidence on human behaviour

Page | Last updated: 09 Oct 2024

Focus areas

The work of the CCBI falls roughly into the four main focus areas below. Each area covers a range of topics, themselves composed of very concrete and specific projects.

Fair society

Understanding how people behave can be important for creating policies that are equitable for everyone. Using this knowledge can strenghten consumers protection but also improve regulation in many other fields that relate to equal opportunities and treatment for everyone.

As consumers, we sometimes make decisions too quickly or without integrating all the relevant information. Behavioural insights can help us take these 'biases' into account and regulate against their abuse.> Consumer protection
Understanding how employers and employees take work-related decisions can help shape better employment policies.> Employment
Behavioural factors other than profit maximisation influence our financial decisions. Understanding these factors can improve market regulation and policies aimed at protecting investors.> Finance
The way we think, feel and act sometimes creates or reinforces exclusions and inequalities. Understanding these behavioural factors is crucial to solving these problems.> Inclusion and equality
Behavioural factors help explain why people do or do not pay their taxes. These insights can inform tax policies.> Tax policy

Resilient society

Making society stronger helps us handle significant changes and problems, whether they come from nature or are man-made. By learning about how people act in normal times and during tough times, we can create better policies to help European societies become better at dealing with these challenges.

Communicating is an essential part of what we do as humans. The delivery of information and coping with misinformation can both profit from knowledge about behavioural factors influencing target populations in both cases.> Communication
With a changing risk landscape in Europe, understanding citizens’ readiness to adopt preparedness behaviours and their responses during disaster and emergency events is critical to building resilience.> Disaster preparedness
Many of our behaviours affect our health, and that of those around us. Understanding this can help shape better health policies.> Health

Sustainability transitions

To make our economy more competitive while also being environmentally friendly, we need to make changes in many areas. These changes involve how people act and think. Behavioural insights can help us understand those actions and decisions and how to design effective policies taking them into account.

European farmers are key to a sustainable EU. Understanding farmers’ decisions can lead to more effective agricultural policies.> Agriculture
What we consume and how we live affects our environment. Insights into human behaviour can help design more effective environmental policies.> Climate and Environment
Clean, affordable and secure energy is fundamental to a carbon-free EU. Understanding European’s energy-related decisions can contribute to better EU energy policy.> Energy

Technology and AI

Technological development, including AI, is advancing quickly. As technology changes, we need to understand how it affects people's actions and its effects on society. This includes online behavior and how people interact with AI tools.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming numerous aspects of our lives, prompting questions about human-AI interaction, including how users perceive and trust AI.> Artificial intelligence (AI)
How we behave online can influence how much personal information we disclose and the risk of malicious attacks. Understanding online behaviour can help protect internet users.> Online behaviour