Date of event: Friday, July 07, 2023
Where: Online
The 'Index to measure Gender Equality in Research and Innovation' is being developed for DG RTD, as a possible complement to the She Figures report on gender equality in research and innovation. It will provide a measurement over the 27 EU Member States, and over time. Draft conceptual and measurement frameworks will be discussed with stakeholders during two Steering Group meetings, respectively scheduled in April and May 2023. A first version of the Index will be produced based on data from the latest available She Figures report, and updated in Autumn 2023 as the latest data becomes available for the forthcoming She Figures report.
Societal impact:
This Index aims to provide an EU-level measurement of the progress made in achieving gender balance and gender equality in research and innovation. It will inform policy-making in the area and contribute to the European Research Area and the ERA policy agenda (2022-2024) and specifically action 5: Promote gender equality and foster inclusiveness. The index scores will be published as part of the forthcoming She Figures report by DG RTD in country fiches, allowing MS to assess their situation overall and in respective domains of the Index.
Originally Published | 14 Feb 2023 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Composite Indicators |