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Event | 08 Jul 2021

COIN Open Day -SDG Gender Index | Equal Measures 2030

A COIN Open Day brings together your organisation with scientists from the Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards (COIN) to discuss how to further improve your index or scoreboard, and to ensure that it is developed using the highest standards in composite indicator methodology. 

SDG Gender Index | Equal Measures 2030

The initial SDG Gender Index constructed by EM2030 was the subject of a JRC audit and launched in 2019.
This new version builds upon the first iteration of the Index, applies recommendations from the JRC audit, but also changes in substantive ways from the earlier version.

Anticipated changes include addition of new indicators, revised approaches to aggregation and imputation and benchmarking of progress based on time series data. The index will continue to cover gender equality across 14 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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