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Search results (403)

Showing results 1 to 10

JRC - Joint Research Centre
Scientist in disaster risk management, interested in modelling, remote sensing and risk assessment policy
Tzameret Rubin
Dr. Rubin (she/her) is a policy advisor specializing in digital innovation, innovation acceleration, and innovation ecosystems.
I am a Professor of Social Psychology with interests in group-based and collective emotions, social identities, collective action, protests/social movements, disaster resilience, preparedness and impact, social…
DG EAC - DG for Education and Culture
Dr Petya Koleva is a European expert who has worked in the cultural and creative sector for over 20 years. Primarily working on Innovation in the cultural and creative sectors…
Dr. Katerina Poustourli is an expert in the Disaster Risk Reduction, Crisis Management and Smart Cities fields. During her career path, she has served the domains…
Laurianne ALLEZARD
Focus on the implication of science in the interpretation of national judges in Europe and in the development of constitutional law in the face of emergencies.
Paul-Louis Colon
I have a background in anthropology, environmental management and public policy evaluation. I have developed particular expertise in employment policies. I am passionate about…
Brendan Moore
University researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel focusing on EU climate governance, especially emissions trading and the science-policy interface.