SDG interlinkages visualization tool - Goal level
Do you want to find out more about interlinkages in the SDGs network?
In this page you can explore interlinkages between one pair of SDGs and find out more about the nature, characteristics and context of the interaction.
Hover the mouse on any goal in the diagram to display interlinkages, click on the goal to show the Sankey or use the menu to select a goal and show its synergies and trade-offs simultaneously. Happy exploring!
Chord diagrams: overview of synergies and trade-offs at goal level
Select a goal to show synergies and trade-offs simultaneously.
Sankey diagram: overview of interlinkages between selected targets
Generate the sankey diagram by clicking on one of the goals in the charts above.
Filter type
Description of interlinkages
Generate the table of descriptions by clicking on one of the goals or links in the sankey above.
Intro & methodology Target level