Can't believe this park has been here for centuries. It's beautiful and great for a long walk. Try the walk from Marble Arch towards Green Park to see Buckingham Palace. Relaxing.
Huge, Wide, It’s really one of the most famous Park in Europe. Different features such as beautiful fountains, playgrounds for children, Walking, or Bike riding if you want.
So peaceful and green. Sometimes there are concerts at the weekend. You can lie down on the grass and chill or watch the playful dogs running around or feed the swans in the lake.
If you go around christmas time, make sure not to miss the winter wonderland! Music, food, amusement, it's all available at the park around that time..Also do not forget to ice skate!
Local's hint: if you can run/jog, that's how you need to tour Hyde Park. One cannot come to London and not spend some time at Hyde Park! I'd recommend going to Hyde park to anyone, with anyone
My favourite place in London. It's always nice to walk around the park on a sunny day, either alone or with some good company. Be careful not to get lost. ;)
Central London's largest open space. Regularly used as a space for concerts. Visit speakers corner where members of the public air their political views or read poetry.
Wonderful Park in the heart of London. Park Lane to one side, Kensington Palace and The Royal Albert Hall on the other. You can explore this Park forever
Just one of London's great parks (we're so lucky!). Formalgardens, wild bits, horse riding, playgrounds, tennis, outdoor swimming, the Serpentine Gallery... you could easily spend a whole day here!
Amazing place for a Sunday stroll, a power walk along the Serpentine, a get-away-from traffic, tranquility and a cultural input by The Serpentine Galleries or Kensington Palace. I HEART Hyde Park.
Not necessary to mention; one of the most peaceful, calming and soul relaxing parks in Europe. My favourite time to visit is early in the morning. Especially if it is filmed by some fog.
They had to poke London or you deserve a famous area or a green are you in the heart of downtown of London and then we have a touch with Bonatto and Danny malls and anything else
El mayorparque de Londres en el que puedes pasear durante largas horas. Además, junto a los árboles puedes ver a las ardillas revoloteando, que no dudarán en acercarse para pedirte comida.
My favorite park in London and one of the top parks I’ve ever visited! So many different things to do, depending on the part of the park you’re visiting...
It’s that time of the year again! Get into the festive spirit as you enjoy a magical day out with your family at the Winter Wonderland in London’s Hyde Park.
Loved this park,in the beautiful place.The rose gardens are the most beautiful.We went on a really nice day and the park was clean, we did not have to worry about where to lie down on the grass
Позагорать на шезлонгах у пруда с лебедями или полежать на тропе под кронами деревьев:), покататься на велосипеде, на лодках, катамаранах, посидеть у пруда в кафе
Every moment is special and the best is “my time alone” having a break from everyone. Hyde park is a special place. You can have walks with friends too😉 and change scenery taking a different path.
اجمل حديقه نظيفه ماتشوف ورقه بالارض مرتبه وفيها راحه نفسيه عجييه بالذات وقت المطر تجنن ، الناس هنا يحمسونك للمشي ماشالله عليهم ❤️❤️ لازم تخرجون قبل الساعه٥ لانها بتصير ظلام،
À voirabsolument, les concepteurs du parconteu la bonne idée de planter de la pelouse et d'installer des arbres, ce qui est très agréable. Par temps de pluie, il mouille un peu, c'est dommage.
Great place to feel outside of the city , while you are in dead centre of it ;) Space. Serenity. Seclusion. Seduction. All in one when you are in Serpentine !🐍🕊🦄
Luogo di ozio ideale nei giorni di sole a Londra; un libro, una corsa a piedi, ascoltare musica live, oratori a "Speaker's Corner" o solo per riposare su una panchina di questo immenso parcocittadino
Huge park with lots of different areas to explore. There are numerous cafes if you feel like something to eat. Check out the Serpentine Gallery if it's raining. Look out for the rabbits.
Heaven on earth .. you see dogs running, child riding their bicycles, elderly people enjoying the weather, kids trying to feed the birds and everyone else having fun what they want to do
The most amazing park I've ever been!! If you ever go in London it's the park you must absolutely visit! You see so much of the nature! And the swans are perfect!
Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner. The park was the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton.