LCI Strategies
Welcome to Our Strategies !
At LCI, we craft globally diversified strategies tailored for Swiss, European, and international clients, with key reference currencies: CHF, EUR, and USD.
Our strategies are customized to align with each client’s unique risk tolerance and financial goals, offering a truly personalized approach to wealth management.
Research shows that over 90% of a portfolio’s return variability is driven by strategic asset allocation (SAA). In contrast, short-term tactical decisions like market timing and security selection have minimal long-term impact.
We focus on creating strategically optimized portfolios using a top-down approach that emphasizes key factors from macroeconomic trends to specific market conditions. Our investment strategies cover markets and economies representing approximately 80% of global GDP.
Risk management is key. Like in tennis, it’s often not the player with the most spectacular moves who wins, but the one who makes the fewest errors. We therefore focus on the long term, continuously monitoring our performance and risk levels to ensure optimal outcomes. This approach has proven successful in the past, and we are confident it will continue to be in the future. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) likely to increase market efficiency, we are well-positioned to capitalize on these advancements. For years, LCI Strategies has consistently outperformed the industry average.
Though our strategies are global, we offer three reference currencies to ensure that our clients’ currency exposure aligns with the currencies they use in their daily lives.
Explore the results of our strategies on this page.