Memberships & Consortia
CRL is an international consortium of research libraries which purchases and preserves newspapers, journals, dissertations and major archival sets from around the world. These materials are made available for interlibrary borrowing at member libraries including Temple.
EAST is a collaborative effort of a large group of academic and research libraries to document, protect, and provide long-term access to their print collections. Temple has committed to retain approximately 300,000 titles as a part of this initiative.
HathiTrust is a large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries including content digitized as part of the Google Books project as well as locally digitized content. Hathi’s Shared Print Program secures retention commitments for print holdings that mirror book titles in the HathiTrust digital collection and maintains a lendable print collection distributed among HathiTrust member collections. Temple has committed to retain close to 20,000 titles as a part of this initiative. Further information about the benefits of Temple’s membership in HathiTrust may be viewed here.
NERL fosters and supports the educational and research missions of its member institutions by coordinating the best possible licensing terms and prices for electronic resources.
Temple is a founding member of this purchasing, collection archiving, and interlibrary loan consortium which supports both the regional EZ Borrow interlibrary borrowing system for books and RapidILL for article delivery.
SHARES is an OCLC initiative that supports active collaboration among its partner libraries and a generous resource sharing program, which provides onsite use and interlibrary loan of the SHARES libraries’ strong, rich, diverse, and unique collections.