RESILINK : Increasing Resilience of Smallholders with Multi-Platforms Linking Localized Resource Sharing
AG-WaMED : Advancing non conventional water management for innovative climate-resilient water governance in the Mediterranean Area
AGREEMed : Innovative Aquifers Governance for Resilient Water Management and Sustainable Ecosystems in Stressed Mediterranean Agricultural Areas
Adaptive agreements on benefits sharing for managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean region : AGREEMAR
Vineprotect : Ecological survey for biological management and protection of Mediterranean vineyards facing climate changes
SURE_NEXUS : Ensure Fair NEXUS transition for climate change adaptation and sustainable development
SIRAM : Sustainable innovations for Regenerative Agriculture in the Mediterranean area
SAFE : Sustainable water reuse practices improving safety in agriculture, food and environment
HALOSHEEP : Agroecological sheep/goat production system based on the valorisation of halophytes of saline area in the méditerranéen basin
BONEX : Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean
BIOMEnext : Modelling integrated biodiversity-based next-generation Mediterranean farming systems
SWITCHtoHEALTHY : Switching Mediterranean consumers to Mediterranean sustainable healthy dietary patterns
PROMEDLIFE : PROmotion of MEDiterranean LIFEstyle and healthy diet
DELICIOUS : UnDErstanding consumer food choices & promotion of healthy and sustainable Mediterranean diets and LIfestyles in Children through behavIOUral change actionS
AgrI-fiSh : Circular economy application: from the field to the net. Sustainable and innovative feeds from agricultural wastes for a resilient and high-quality aquaculture
AgrEcoMed : New AGRoecological approach for soil fertility and biodiversity restoration to improve ECOnomic and social resilience of MEDiterranean farming systems
ADVAGROMED : ADVanced AGROecological approaches based on the integration of insect farming with local field practices in MEDiterranean countries
DREAM : Diversified orchards for resilient and sustainable farming systems
AfroGrow : Informed Decision-Making for Agroforestry Systems in Africa through a Network of Living Labs
STREAMING : Sustainable Trade Regimes with Europe and Africa through Mapping Innovation, New-technology and Growth-mindset
ONEPlanET : OpeN source nExus modelling tools for Planning sustainable Energy Transition in Africa
ALIVEAfrica : Animals, Livelihoods and Well-being in Africa
FERTITEC : FERTIliser product recovery from secondary raw materials using best available TEChniques
GALILEO : Strengthening rural livelihoods and resilience to climate change in Africa: innovative agroforestry integrating people, trees, crops and livestock
TC4BE (TCforBE) : Transformative Change in Telecoupled Agrofood Systems for Biodiversity and Equity
TRANS-SAHARA : Novel WEFE Nexus-based approaches towards agroforestry management in the Greater North African Region
SuN4Med : Sustainable and Novel Food Packaging based on Agro- industrial By-products and Natural Antimicrobials from the Mediterranean Area / Emballages alimentaires durables et nouveaus basés sur des coproduits agro-industriels et des antimicrobiens naturels issus de la région Méditerranéenne
SEEDS : Sustaining Economies and Enhancing Dynamic Structures
Sm@wa-Medi : New Sm@rt Process Combining Nanotechnology-Magnetic-Filtration for Brackish and Natural Water Treatment to Enhance Irrigation Efficiency and Agricultural Yield in the Mediterranean basin / Nouveau procédé intelligent combinant nanotechnologie-magnétisation-filtration des eaux saumâtres et naturelles dans la prerspective de meilleures efficacité d'irrigation et rendement agricole en Méditerranée
WATER4MED : Water management strategies and Adaptation acTions undER a global change context FOR the MEDiterranean region
PAVER : Precision AgriVoltaics for Carbon Neutrality Enhanced Production and Reduced Environmental Impact in Greenhouse
SUPREM-MILK : Towards a more sustainable and resilient Mediterranean milk supply chain
MATE4MEAT : Sustainable and Antimicrobial Materials for Meat Packaging
NOVAPACK : NOVel Antimicrobial coatings and PACKaging in the mediterranean / NOVel Revêtements antimicrobiens et PACKaging en méditerranée
NOVISHPAK : Novel biodegradable, antimicrobial and smart packaging and coatings for increased shelf-life of Mediterranean fish filets / Nouveaux emballages et revêtements biodégradables, antimicrobiens et intelligents pour améliorer la durée de conservation des filets de poisson méditerranéens
OLIVEPACK : Bio-based antimicrobial packaging materials to increase the shelf life of naturally fermented low-salt table olives
PASPACK : Producing Alternative Sustainable food bio-based PACKaging from Mediterranean agri-food by-products and waste/Créer des solutions alternatives d'emballage alimentaire durable à base de sous-produits agroalimentaires méditerranéens
PLAMINPACK : PLAnt-based antiMIcrobial aNd circular PACKaging for plant products
SAFOOD4MED : Innovative and safe antimicrobial bioplastics for food preservation in the Mediterranean area/Des bioplastiques antimicrobiennes innovantes et sûres pour la conservation des aliments en méditerranée
SAPHIRA : Sustainable Antimicrobial Packaging based on a Healthy Intelligent Renewable Approach/Emballage antimicrobien durable basé sur une approche renouvelable intelligente et saine
INTACTBioPack : INTelligent, ACTive MicroBIOme-based, biodegradable PACKaging for Mediterranean food
FCI4AFRICA : Fair Food and Trade Systems for Africa through Food Convergence Innovation
FoWRSaP : Agro Food Waste Recovery: new processing technologies for food Safety and Packaging
EVOLVEPACK : dEsign, processing and characterization of innoVative biOdegradable and compostabLe actiVE PACKaging structures to improve food safety of mediterranean foods
EcoFertiS : Innovative processing of manures and biowastes of Eco-friendly Fertilizers / Traitement innovant des fumiers et des biodéchets des engrais écologiques
DurInnPack : Innovative Packaging and edible coatings to guarantee post-harvest Durability of Mediterranean fruits and vegetables production
CYCLOLIVE : From waste to resource: ReCYCLing OLIVE oil extraction byproducts for sustainable agricultural practices in the Mediterranean region
FARMS4Biodiversity : Farmer-led Agroecological Research in Malawi using Scenarios for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (FARMS4Biodiversity)
CombiFarm : Combining low-cost biochar, biogas, and cyanobacteria fertigation technologies with low-input crops for sustainable bioproducts in smart circular farming systems
BIOMEDPACK : Shelf-life Enhancing Packaging Systems for Mediterranean Food through Innovative and Circular Solutions Based on Agri-Food Multi-Product Cascade Biorefinery
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