Results (22)
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You’re Not Alone
A resource list for food-insecure families.
Looking for Special
A storybook featuring Lily about the importance of confidence as a key skill in building resilience.
Chef Lily’s Tip: Roasting a Rainbow
A video about eating colorful roasted vegetables.
We Got This! Storybook
Show children some simple ways to feel safer and more secure.
Making Leftovers Last: The Alicea-Eiras Family
A video about a family’s healthy habits.
Food Insecurity
Health and well-being are rights for all children, but food insecurity affects many families.
Focusing on Food
A printable page on mindful awareness of—and gratitude for—healthy food.
Healthy Food Can Be Fun: The Tran Family
A video about one family’s healthy habits.
Dot to Dot
Meet Lily, a sweet, hopeful seven-year-old Muppet in housing transition.
Cómo explicar los retos que enfrentan las familias sin hogar
Perder la vivienda significa enfrentar enormes desafíos. Sin embargo, las familias pueden ser increíblemente fuertes y decididas para crear un futuro mejor.
Every Child and Family Deserves Healthy Food
A printable poster promoting Sesame Street in Communities Healthy Habits initiative.
Un consejo de Chef Lily: Asar un arcoíris
Un video sobre comer vegetales asados de muchos colores.