Results (62)
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Farm-Fresh Food: The Kafarski Family
Watch the video together with children.
Bringing Julia to Life
A video about the beginnings of the Sesame Street autism initiative, and the muppet Julia.
Behind the Scenes: Julia’s Family
A video about the creation of Sesame Street's Julia, who is autistic, and some of the people that helped bring her and her family to life.
Working It Out
A video about ways a family can work it out and talk it out.
Meeting Unique Needs
A video about coping when things seem overwhelming.
Nasaiah’s Day
A video that describes a packed day in the life of one autistic child.
Family Friends
A video about making friends, when autism is part of the picture.
A Boy and His Dog
A video about how a dog can help out and make life easier for an autistic child and his family.
A Sibling Story
A video about the role of siblings in families touched by autism.
Thomas’s Story
A video about the different ways autistic children communicate.
A Is for Awareness
A video about growing understanding in the community.
A Parent’s Role
This video shares the experience of parents of an autistic child named Lou, and offers strategies for offering and receiving support.