
Adventure learning e-mailing community

Here are a few words explaining why you are receiving this email… During the COVID-19 pandemic, we missed the opportunity to engage in Adventure Learning activities and instead initiated online meetings with a small group of practitioners. Our main objective was to inspire each other, and you can find recordings of these meetings in the playlist. Over time, the group of interested youth workers, trainers and National Agencies & SALTO colleagues have been growing and to keep communication going we had our… excel list with e-mails.

Now we would like to replace our excel file with an e-mailing list. This will give you the autonomy to decide whether you wish to receive occasional updates on Adventure Education from us or not (subscription options available in the footer). Additionally, it will enable us to organically expand our community through a subscription form (by the way, feel welcome to share it with any relevant colleagues).

Don't worry about spamming! We intend to send these newsletters sporadically, featuring interesting calls for trainers or participants, relevant publications and tools related to Adventure Education. Feel free to contribute your materials! We'll gladly share them within the group (email:

CONSULTATION: Impact research on adventure learning in the European youth work field

In 2024, we have decided not to offer any trainings or seminars but to conduct research among participants of activities, not limited to ours, where youth workers and trainers could learn more about adventure learning. Our aim is to understand the relevance of Adventure Education in their youth work practice and identify directions for further development. The draft survey is now available, and we would appreciate your feedback. Please take a moment to review it and let us know if you have any proposals, suggestions for changes, modifications, or additions, by sending an email to by April 14th. After this date, we will remove all test answers and officially launch the survey (so expect it then officially).

Impact research draft survey