Smiley Buttons
Code a micro:bit emoji!
Program the buttons on the micro:bit to show a happy 馃榾 or sad face 馃檨
{Step 1}
Let鈥檚 show a happy face when we press button A.
Click on the ||basic:Basic||
category in the Toolbox. Drag a ||basic:show icon||
block into the ||input:on button A pressed||
In the ||basic:show icon||
block, click on the Heart icon to open the menu. Select a Happy Face icon.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function() {
{Step 2}
In the micro:bit simulator on the screen, press the A button. Do you see a happy face? 猸� Great job! 猸�/p>
{Step 3}
Now let鈥檚 show a sad face when we press button B.
Click on the ||input:Input||
category in the Toolbox.
Drag another ||input:on button A pressed||
block onto the coding workspace (you can place this anywhere).
Click on the A button drop-down menu, and select B.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function() {})
{Step 4}
From the ||basic:Basic||
category, drag another ||basic:show icon||
block into the ||input:on button B pressed||
In this ||basic:show icon||
block, click on the Heart icon to open the menu.
Select a Sad Face icon.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function() {
{Step 5}
In the micro:bit simulator on the screen, press the B button. Do you see a sad face? 猸� Great job! 猸�/p>
{Step 6}
If you have a micro:bit device, connect it to your computer and click the |Download|
button. Follow the instructions to transfer your code onto the micro:bit. Try pressing the A and B buttons on the micro:bit to see your happy 馃榾 and sad 馃檨 emojis!
{Step 7}
Go further - try adding a secret emoji that appears when A and B buttons are pressed together! Learn more about how the micro:bit buttons work by watching this video.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function() {})