Member Benefits
Your entire organization will benefit from the K-12 business intelligence service, EdWeek Market Brief. You’ll have proprietary research, trends and analysis, and insider insights focused on the K-12 marketplace at your fingertips. Whether you are developing strategy, compiling research, or determining next steps for a sales call, EdWeek Market Brief will be the go-to resource for your team, arming you with a searchable website, downloadable data, monthly webinars, quarterly briefings, and more.
Proprietary Research and Data
- Helps you answer questions about the state of K-12
- Gives you data to back up your story
- Identifies trends in procurement, product development, and implementation
- Points out areas of opportunity
Analysis of Trends
- Allows you to see where markets for products and services are heading
- Flags pitfalls to avoid
- Provides direction for internal strategies
- Highlights shifts in the competitive landscape and global markets
- Brings you deeper with quarterly virtual briefings on the state of the K-12 industry
- Showcases the most interesting RFPs
Insider Insight
- Gives you information straight from the customer
- Shows the best ways to bring your products and services to market
- Arms sales people with the right talking points
- Teaches what types of marketing matter most, and how your customers approach purchasing