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About Us

With the birth and explosion of a new convergent communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia in the mid 1990s, a new paradigm requiring new approaches in media policies and regulation became a necessity. In line with this, Malaysia adopted a convergence regulation model with regards to the communications and multimedia industry in November 1998. Two legislations were enacted to give effect to the new regulatory model: the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which set out a new regulatory licensing framework for the industry and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act (1998) which created a new regulatory body, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.

The Communications and Multimedia Act (1998) came into enacted on 1 April 1999, while with it, the Telecommunications Act (1950) and the Broadcasting Act (1988) were repealed.

With it's creation, the Commission set forth 10 national policy objectives to:

Establish Malaysia as a major global centre and hub for communications and multimedia information and content services

Promote a civil society where information-based services will provide the basis of continuing enhancements to quality of work and life

Grow and nurture local information resources and cultural representation that facilitate the national identity and global diversity

Regulate for the long-term benefit of the end user;

Promote a high level of consumer confidence in service delivery from the industry;

Ensure an equitable provision of affordable services over ubiquitous national infrastructure;

Create a robust applications environment for end users;

Facilitate the efficient allocation of resources such as skilled labour, capital, knowledge and national assets;

Promote the development of capabilities and skills within Malaysia's convergence industries; and

Ensure information security and network reliability and integrity

The 10 national policy objectives are the regulatory basis of SKMM's regulatory framework which include, economic regulation, technical regulation, consumer protection and social regulation. On 1 November 2001, MCMC also took over the regulatory functions of the Postal Services Act 2012 and the Digital Signature Act 1997.


Establishing a communications and multimedia industry that is competitive, efficient and increasingly self-regulating, generating growth to meet the economic and social needs of Malaysia.


We are committed to :

Promoting access to communications and multimedia services;

Ensuring consumers enjoy choice and a satisfactory level of services at affordable prices;

Providing transparent regulatory processes to facilitate fair competition and efficiency in the industry;

Ensuring best use of spectrum and number resources; and

Consulting regularly with consumers and service providers and facilitating industry collaboration.

At the time it was created, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission's key role was the regulation of the communications and multimedia industry based on the powers provided for in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act (1998) and the Communications and Multimedia Act (1998). Pursuant to these Acts its role is also to implement and promote the Government's national policy objectives for the communications and multimedia sector. The Commission is also charged with overseeing the new regulatory framework for the converging telecommunications and broadcasting industries and on-line activities. In 2001, the Commission's role was expanded to include overseeing the postal service sector pursuant to the Postal Services Act 2012 and licensing of the Certification Authorities under the Digital Signature Act 1997.

The Commissions commitment to the successful implementation of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA) is unwavering and outlined in our client's charter.


Our commitment to our clients are as below:

General Consumers

License Applicants


Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA)

JENDELA bermatlamat untuk memberi pengalaman pengguna yang berkualiti dan capaian akses 100% di seluruh negara:

  • Pendidikan/Produktiviti - pembelajaran di rumah dan bekerja dari rumah.
  • Industri - membantu dalam paralihan digitalisasi bagi Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) /memastikan perniagaan dapat kembali pulih dan berkembang.
  • Komuniti/ Masyarakat - sentiasa terhubung dan kelangsungan gaya hidup digital.
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