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In May 2015, revisions to Maryland’s stormwater management program, signed into law by Governor Hogan, did away with mandatory stormwater remediation fees. These revisions resulted in the development of financial assurance plans from Maryland’s ten largest urban jurisdictions.
Financial assurance plans (FAPs) indicate how stormwater runoff will be treated and paid for over the next five years and will provide the financial roadmap for complying with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) total maximum daily load (TMDL) requirements, also known as the “pollution diet” for Chesapeake Bay.
The law requires the Maryland Department of the Environment to:
FAPs are submitted biennially, and each jurisdiction must be able to show the financial ability to pay for restoration practices over the next two years. Another reporting requirement for each MS4 jurisdiction, excluding Montgomery County, is to submit Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (WPRP) Annual Reports.
Questions concerning Financial Assurance Plans may be directed to the Sediment, Stormwater, and Dam Safety Program at 410-537-3543 or emailed to Mr. Raymond Bahr at
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