BE Medical Certificate 2011-2025 free printable template
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How to fill out BE Medical Certificate
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Instructions and Help about medical certificate maker
Hello there my name is Dr Richard Matt the creator of patient files of PC clinic software you are in my clinic it's my clinic here in Philippines Davao del North and I would like to show to you my set-up so basically what I did in my clinic using my software patient files I don't have deaths two desktops one from for the secretary and one for me no I don't do that it's basically very, very simple the only thing that I have here is a printer the wireless printer Wi-Fi printer which is the HP Desk jet Ink advantage three seven six it's a wireless printer it's costed around seventy to eighty dollars us dollars for the Philippines I bought it around four thousand three hundred pieces, and it has already a photo copier and also a scanner but what I really use is the wireless printing which is very helpful and this is my iPad Pro together with the keyboard and stylus, so you could really use even just an iPad or not necessary a pro, and it really helped if you have the hard keyboard and also the stylus which will up as your mouse, and I'm going to make a demonstration screen demonstration and how I do my useful clinic check-up by making a prescription printing a prescription and also giving a medical certificate in print, so I hope you will enjoy this one okay let's open the patient files and then usually pop this button here to make it wider and then go to the search space click it and then type the family name for example here we are looking for Smith so there he is Smith Robert for example that would be our patient then click the visits button and then click the lower left corner for a new record then click chief button then again tap the space search space type the CEO for cuff pop click off and then go to main button for the diagnosis and tap the space there again and type AC for acute bronchitis then tap acute bronchitis, so you don't need to type all over again you could just make a template out of it click our X writer then top number one then go to the space again search space then tap the first letter of the brand you're looking or the drug so here click the drug and then number two for another drug pop the space again and then type the first letter of the drug you're looking then tap, and it shows up so if we're not gonna print to medicine to drugs click print big and then go to the right corner tap the trench button then click Save form to PDF then click print okay so with that you're going to do the wireless printing okay, so we're going to proceed with doing the medical certificate let's type up the RX icon then click med cert button then as you could see it's already there cough and acute bronchitis because you've chosen that earlier part so click the right corner click save form to PDF click print, and then you're going to do printing again of the medical certificate okay so the only thing you need to do is just to sign your signature there, and it's already ready to be given to the patient, so I hope you enjoyed it, and you learned...
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What is BE Medical Certificate?
Who is required to file BE Medical Certificate?
How to fill out BE Medical Certificate?
What is the purpose of BE Medical Certificate?
What information must be reported on BE Medical Certificate?
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