Green shipping corridors, which showcase zero-emission fuels and technologies along maritime trade routes between two (or more) ports, can help accelerate adoption of alternatives to petroleum-based fuels in the maritime industry, which in turn can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Zero-Emission Shipping Mission is an ambitious alliance among countries, the private sector, research institutes and civil society to develop, demonstrate, and deploy zero-emission fuels, ships, and fuel infrastructure together by 2030 and make zero-emission ocean going shipping the natural choice for ship owners. As such, the Shipping Mission has developed this online platform as a knowledge resource to support green shipping corridor formation. The tools, documents, and other resources on this page to are provided by the members of the Shipping Mission to help accelerate the maritime energy transition.
Green Shipping Corridor Tools and Resources
The tools and resources provided below are developed and maintained by members of the Mission Innovation Zero-emission Shipping Mission. These resources are intended to help accelerate green corridor formation through partnerships, knowledge access, and better coordination.
Explore the green corridor routes that have already been announced or established across the world using this interactive map. Approximate routes are displayed, showing details about timeline and target fuels and vessels.
Green shipping corridors require strong partnerships across different regions, countries, and even continents. This interactive map allows interested partners and stakeholders to more easily find one another to pursue green shipping corridor formation.
If you are interested in developing a green shipping corridor, you need not start from scratch! Collected here are numerous reports and analyses that provide processes and frameworks for green shipping corridor development and investigation.
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