Hall of Fame
Dr. Effietee Martin Payne was born in Union, South Carolina, one of eight children, to Fincher and Mattie L. Martin.
Dr. Payne received her early education in Union, S.C. where she won many trophies for her prowess in basketball. Her athletic ability resulted in a scholarship for her at Allen University, where she received the Bachelor of Arts degree, with honors. After teaching for a period in her home state, she enrolled at the University of Indiana. From there she earned a Master of Science degree in health and physical education, and later, the Doctor of Physical Education degree.
Dr. Payne also spent a year at the Martha Gratham School of Dance in New York City.
Dr. Payne loved teaching. Her winning teams throughout the years engaged in numerous state and national basketball tournaments. She produced students who, since graduation, continued to make outstanding records as teachers of health and physical education. Her motto was: "Excellence in character and in athletic achievement." She often commented that she had begun her career at Morgan State in the "Dust Bowl" but would finish it in the beautiful Hill Field House.
She contributed articles on the subject of health and physical education to national journals, conducted workshops and seminars in the field. She was a member of the National Association of Sports for College Women, the Maryland Association for Women's Athletics, the National Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.