Hall of Fame
Wilbur S. Clarke graduated from Boys High School, Brooklyn, New York. He entered Morgan September, 1936. He made the Dean's list each semester and graduated cum laude with a major in biology. As an athlete "Ace" was a member of the basketball team. He was designated all C.I.A.A second team for 2 of the 4 years he played. He played 2 years of semi-professional basketball with the Washington Bears and the Richmond Skaters.
Wilbur's other accomplishments include a Masters of Arts degree from New York University. He completed all requirements, except his  dissertation, for his doctorate at Catholic University. He served as a CPO in the U.S Coast Guard from 1942 to 1945. In addition, Wilbur taught at North Carolina A&T, Fort Valley State College and Alabama A&M, ending his teaching career in 1955. He there upon went to work for the U.S Probation and Parole Service from which he retired as a supervisor in September of 1976.