Hall of Fame

Wilbur "Ace" Clarke

  • Class
  • Induction
  • Sport(s)
    Men's Basketball
Wilbur S. Clarke graduated from Boys High School, Brooklyn, New York. He entered Morgan September, 1936. He made the Dean's list each semester and graduated cum laude with a major in biology. As an athlete "Ace" was a member of the basketball team. He was designated all C.I.A.A second team for 2 of the 4 years he played. He played 2 years of semi-professional basketball with the Washington Bears and the Richmond Skaters.

Wilbur's other accomplishments include a Masters of Arts degree from New York University. He completed all requirements, except his  dissertation, for his doctorate at Catholic University. He served as a CPO in the U.S Coast Guard from 1942 to 1945. In addition, Wilbur taught at North Carolina A&T, Fort Valley State College and Alabama A&M, ending his teaching career in 1955. He there upon went to work for the U.S Probation and Parole Service from which he retired as a supervisor in September of 1976.

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