Hall of Fame

William Buford

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William Buford is a native of Asheville, North Carolina. He attended the Stephens-Lee high School in that city.

Bill Buford entered Morgan in 1950. He was an outstanding football player in high school, so it did not take him long to make his presence felt on the college level. He played the tackle position and became one of the most highly respected linemen in the C.I.A.A.  On the field, he was known as "Bad Bill Burford". most of the opposing linemen said that he was really mean and that he would go out of his way to hit people. His aggressive blocking on offense and his determination that "I shall not be moved" on defense earned for him many honors.

Bill was elected co-captain of his team in 1953. He won all-CIAA honors in 1953. He was also named to the Pittsburgh Courier All-American Team in 1954 and was drafted by the Green Bay Packers of the NFL that year.

After graduation, Buford taught Health and Physical Education in high school in Annapolis, Maryland. He lso coached the Track team. He was employed in Chattanooga, Tennessee as the Director of Manpower, City of Chattanooga human Services Department.

He was a member of the American Management Association, the American Society for Training and Development, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He also belonged to the Varsity "M" Club.


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