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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Jul 3, 2011 7:29 PM
· Scored
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Days: 31.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries74
- Reread0
- Chapters5,577
- Volumes352
All Comments (70) Comments
As long as they do justice to the Shirou vs. Archer scenes, I'll be more than satisfied (the final scene with Rin wouldn't hurt either :p). I'm sooooooo tempted to find a cam rip and watch it. D:
lol I see. RPGs are almost the only types of games I played (though I did play the occasional adventure games). FPS and the other genres didn't really interest me. Though I don't play any games these days since gaming lost its appeal for me a long time ago (which is why I didn't touch my 360 in almost 3 years xD).
lol yeah Sazh is probably the redeeming factor to the game. But tbh FF13 is getting real boring real fast. The creativity behind the level designs are truly pathetic. They pretty much recycle the same crap over and over again. You more or less fight the same monsters throughout the whole game except the monsters have slight color changes and additional features. I expected a FF game and I got an RPG version of a shitty FPS. I won't even get started on the incredibly cheesy dialog....>_>
Hmmm....I don't know if I should just catch up with all the shows I missed or just forgot about it all and start the summer season. So many options, so little time....D:
Yeah one look at the characters and I can tell that a lot of clothes are going to be ripped lol.
Yeah tell me about it. I remember when Toonami was still on CN, I used to watch that shit every Saturday (and weekdays too but that was a long time ago when they were airing G Gundam). Nowadays it's some godawful cheesy crap. What happened to shows like Billy&Mandy, Courage the Cowardly Dog etc.? :(
9/30? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF......I was hoping to check it out before summer break ended. Though the reviews aren't looking too good. :/
What FF have you played? lol I thought you were an RPG fan since you seemed like a fan of the Tales series.
lol the funny thing about all this is that I haven't even touched my 360 in over 3 years. I just realized a couple of weeks ago that FF13 was released for the 360 also so I decided to give it a try since I loved the FF games when I was young (though I've only played 7,8,9).
But yeah so far, FF13 isn't too bad. It is linear as hell (you're basically just progressing from one map to another) but the battle system and story isn't too shabby. Characters are getting better. Though the real highlight is the visuals. Even though the 360 didn't get the HD version of the game, the animation is spectacular. Almost every cutscene is on par with CGI from movies like Advent Children. Not to mention, Fang probably has one of the best (and hottest) character design I've seen in a long time. O_O
Yeah I agree with you on Arakawa. It has its moments but other times it's not that funny. Though the side characters make the show consistently entertaining for the most part.
I just saw the picture and it just seems like someone's trying to copy Code Geass lol. And yeah I'll probably at least try the first episode. Even if the zombie element is bad, I heard the ecchi isn't too shabby. O_O
Agreed with you on that. I'm really surprised that there's been no traditional mecha anime in a long time. Sci-fi shows would also be awesome but going from current trends, sci-fi shows tend to fail miserably in terms of DVD sales. Which is a tragedy since Japan can get really fucking creative when it comes to sci-fi shows...
One of the main problems is that there's too much shows built around either moe or some kind of romance crap. I wouldn't mind more shows like FMA where the main focus isn't always around some ridiculous couple but just about the adventure and story. Not to say that there aren't any good romance shows but the current trend is definitely disconcerting (lol this is probably the reason why a cheesy show like Sengoku Basara looks so fucking awesome now).
I'll pass on the cam rip. It would be a waste to see KyoAni's animation on shitty quality.
No release date for UBW? The most surprising thing about this is that Avatar was released before UBW and it's on DVD but UBW isn' DEEN???
btw do you play Final Fantasy games? Cuz I just ordered FF13 for 360 and I wanted to know if you played it.
As for Angel Beats!, is it pure action/comedy as it says on the page or does it involve some melodrama? I don't want another season of Kanon or Clannad. -_-
Arakawa seems pretty cool so far. I'll check out Night Raid later on.
As for summer anime, the anime that sticks out is The Legend of the Legendary Heroes. MOST CREATIVE NAME OF ALL FUCKING TIME (`Д´)
In all seriousness, there's only three anime I'm somewhat interested in the summer lineup which is Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, Shiki, and Sengoku Basara 2 (Highschool of the Dead might be interesting but I don't know if I want to go through another show/movie with the same old zombie shit). Summer's usually better than this....
I'm more interested in UBW and the Haruhi movie being released. Hopefully it will be before summer break is over. >_>
What are some good animes airing right now?
Very High
Still 3 more chapters? lol doesn't that translate into three more months since FMA was a monthly release iirc? Yeah, hopefully she told BONES the actual ending because it would be a low blow to the fans if BONES decided to follow the manga faithfully so far and then blow it in the end.
The training with Hinako thing really puzzles me. You could probably buy an exercise video with an actual women in it (or you can just watch one of those work-out shows that come in the morning) for probably much cheaper than spend over $60 on an anime DVD. Or you can just watch a porno instead of a ridiculous cocktease. -_-;;
Oh yeah Stresemann is a funny ass guy. Perverted old men are always good comic relief lol. And the reason the last few episodes were good is probably because they have focus (Kon Chiaki, unfortunately, is not very good at focus). But yeah, it''s rather disappointing to see one of my favorite romance anime deteriorate in quality this much.
Nah you're not alone in that. The last two episodes were rather cheesy and rushed (climax was also pretty anti-climactic considering the main villain was just some random guy). But nevertheless, the rest of the anime was really well done so I could afford to look past that. Regardless, It would be great if moe anime went in this direction rather than outright fan pandering.
I'm probably going to skip spring season since I've decided to take some time off anime for a while. It wouldn't hurt to try some new things for a while. :D
btw what did you think about Summer Wars?
I would say a lot of scenes in a SHAFT anime could be done in powerpoint lol. It's a good style that provides emphasis and detail but yeah it's a pretty low budget trick. Though I will give it up to them for going all out with Bakemonogatari.
Yeah lol I know they wouldn't betray them but you can never be too sure O_O.
There's 63 episodes? Damn I didn't think there was that much material left still. I thought they would wrap it all up in about 5 episodes.
What really disappoints me is that is fucking Haruhi S2 is selling a shitload when it was just a huge fucking repeat. It amazes me how much fanboyism can blind common sense.
I pretty much agree with you on Nodame. The first season was one of the best combination of romance and comedy. Which is why I don't get why Kenichi Kasai didn't return to direct the sequels. But yeah, the lack of emphasis on music is particularly disappointing. One of my favorite aspects of Nodame Cantabile was listening to all the classical music (which was a new genre for me). So, it's pretty disappointing to see all the musical parts rushed. Though I do think the recent episodes have been much better. We're finally getting some decent development for Nodame (it really seems like Chiaki's been the one getting most of the development since the first season).
But, I have to say one of the biggest surprises of this season is Sora no Woto. I can't believe how good it's been so far. It comes off as a moe anime but it's actually rather well thought out and executed. If this is the future of moe anime, I'll gladly welcome it. Hopefully the Anime no Chikara timeslot keeps up this level of quality.
Ookami Kakushi is a somewhat decent anime. It could've been a pretty good thriller but the character designs and the overall mood pretty much kill that.
lol you got your wish on that with ep. 8. The Eva reference was fucking brilliant.
Oh yeah, I forgot about ef. Though the last ef anime was almost 2 years ago I believe. Yeah, Shinbo's style doesn't seem to be too strong with romance (I believe he tried and failed with Tsukuyomi). It's much more suited for comedy. Though I wish SHAFT will start looking at new directors since it would be sad to see Shinbo's style be overused and become cliche.
lol I can't help thinking that the chimeras will betray them all of a sudden. But yeah, she does do a good job of not ditching side characters.
And yeah, the anime seems to be really catching up (at least from what I hear). And from the looks of it, it seems to reaching the climax...
I'm sure they can use the other profits but I'm sure they're disappointed with the DVD sales considering that the first anime series was selling 60,000+ per volume. I wonder what happened to the fanbase...
Told you it would be better than the series :D My favorite part was probably that final action scene between Simon and the Anti-Spiral. The animation in that scene was ridiculously amazing. I would love to know who the key animator for that was.
So what do you think about Nodame Cantabile Finale?
I agree that Episode 0 (First Contact) is a good intro. It also happens to be one of my personal favorites so I have no doubt you'll enjoy it.
lol also why did you start with that movie as your first experience?