My reviews are one of a kind. It isn't something for the weak-hearted.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As of lately, 95% of the reviews are total sh1t. No wonder I don't make reviews anymore.
I rate based mostly on enjoyment (40%); after that comes story (25%), character (15%), animation (10%) and sound (10%).
10- Only the best get this score; those that had me awed the whole time.
9- Story and enjoyment are top-notch.
8- This is the maximum score I give for enjoyment only, even if the story is not deep (since animation/sound is usually good).
7- Enjoyed the show and the plot/characters were interesting.
6- I enjoyed the show.
5- This barely passed; it's not bad but neither good. Maybe I hated every second of it, but still thought that other elements were decent.
4- The show failed at transmitting the message and I disliked it.
3- The show failed in many ways, it was certainly not enjoyable.
2- I would guess I will only give this score if absolutely everything was bad, if it made me want to Alt+F4 inmediately.
1- Until the day dinosaurs revive to kill E.T. I won't give this score to anything.
I try my very best to not drop a series. But in some cases, it is inevitable.
About my favorites lists:
The order they appear in is random. I also only show the first part of the series; with this I simply want to show which franchises I liked a lot. For example, for Gintama I show the first part, but I liked the rest as well (maybe even more than the first part).
In order for an anime or manga to come into my favorites list, it has had to keep me entertained for the entirety of the show, meaning that there were no moments at which I felt I didn't want to continue watching/reading. Furthermore, they have to be fairly long (length is up to me, but with anime it's usually more than 50 episodes).
The only exception to this is One Piece. The pacing became worse since the stuff at Marineford since it was decided that from there on 1 episode of manga would be 1 episode of anime (I guess at least). Which is really stupid and led to my current score of 7. But I thought everything up to then was really well paced and I enjoyed watching it a lot, so it that's why it's still in my favorites.
I watch all my anime subbed, since I have had very bad experiences with dubbed versions. No dub for me pls.
Feel free to recommend anime/manga; I'm open to any suggestions
Don't open this
Seriously, just don't
Thafuq are you still doing? Turn back right now, you shouldn't open this.
Disappointed? Nothing to do about it.
By the way, I will accept any friend request, but I do find it more pleasant to have chatted a bit before ;)
4500 pages of a LN (Overlord) in 8 days
Died 1000 times in Super Adventure Box (wow trib mode)
Your my hero acedemia review is rediculous. Recommending people not take their time watching it….? I’ve watch anime for over 35 years and can say after seeing over 1500 series and hundreds of movies and Iva’s it is one of the greatest anime series I’ve ever seen. Don’t get your kicks out of ripping on great anime. Please stop making reviews just to be an ass. People rely on this site for recommendations and your obviously posting poor reviews due to some personal issue. I’m not saying this to hate. 99% of people who have watched this anime love it. So just do everyone a favor and don’t screw it up for everyone else by being selfish and being a hater. Peace
All Comments (411) Comments
And happy new year to you as well ~
What i loved about the show was the envirnment they all live in, so supportive to grow up in lol
Movie 2 is good because it covers her love life with the Chinese boy
The new season was nothing special