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Nov 10, 2017
A complex story with strong, unique characters that suffers immensely from being 80% episodic one-offs.

Outlaw Star starts out strong by introducing a cast of quirky characters each with their own goals and demons, a convoluted plot packed with mysteries and intrigue, and a genuinely unique and fascinating universe with its own governments, power systems, and complicated underworld. And then it proceeds to do almost nothing with any of it, by making episode after episode of plot-irrelevant nothingness.

Now, this doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Cowboy Bebop balances an overarching narrative with episodic stories extremely well. But Outlaw Star fails this by ...
Sep 4, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Another entry in the "trapped in a videogame" premise with a much more literal and sarcastic take on the trend. Without much plot or world-building, Konosuba lacks a cohesive structure and relies heavily on comedy to stay interesting. A little too much fanservice and not enough writing, each episode can become a slog of obvious and drawn-out jokes that somehow always end up with a female character humiliating herself.

The first two episodes are strong, with lots of unexpected twists and a story build-up that promises a wacky comedy-adventure featuring a cast of quirky, unique characters going on quests and exploring this fantasy world while searching ...
Aug 25, 2017
A show about a bunch of cute girls, who embody stereotypes, hanging out at school? Sounds boring!

But wait, they're all subversions of their own archetypes by being deliberately cliche on the surface, with unique personalities underneath? Oh great, another edgy deconstruction!

Fortunately, Oshiete Galko-chan isn't just another deconstruction of X genre; it plays the gimmick of each character being named after and seeming like one specific character archetype, while actually being deeper than they seem, but they aren't deliberately NOT those things, either. Otako is a shy otaku who reads a bunch of manga, but she's still an interesting person with her own tastes, who doesn't ...
Feb 24, 2017
Baby Steps (Anime) add
Baby Steps is sports anime done right. No power ups, final bosses, character gimmicks, overpowered main characters, or formulaic plot.

The shonen battle-arena format is done so thoughtfully that it hardly feels like one at all. While the story ultimately consists of a generic underdog main character training and battling against increasingly stronger opponents, it manages to feel unique and refreshing due to its detailed and compelling portrayal of competitive tennis.

The underdog trope is used to successfully make Maruo's (the main character) foray into competitive tennis at a late age (sixteen) feel intimidating, challenging, and all the more impressive when he nails it. Maruo doesn't catch ...
Jan 13, 2016
Kekkai Sensen (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Kekkai Sensen is a thrill ride from start to finish, throwing its viewers into a confusing mess of conflicts, monsters, and the awesome heroes trying to keep the city (somewhat) safe. With a sizable cast of eccentric characters and a wide array of conflicts and subplots, there is endless excitement to be had.

Where Kekkai Sensen really shines is its captivating setting and unstructured plot. Incredible effort was put into developing Hellsalem's Lot, the dystopian metropolis that was once New York City before a mysterious portal opened up, connecting our universe to another and allowing monsters to flood the city. Not all of these monsters are ...
Mar 26, 2015
Rail Wars! (Anime) add
Rail Wars! is a confusing show. It is an ecchi harem with the primary gimmick being that it supplies the viewer with plenty of train facts.

There is no progression to this story. Although it is a harem, there are only two moments in the series that could be considered "plot development between characters" in which two different girls' announce to the screen that they have feelings for Naoto, our main character. However, while both of these girls may have revealed their feelings (to no one in the story), the only effect this has on the story is the addition of blushing throughout the ...
Jun 26, 2012
Lain was an incredible anime. It blew away all the anime stereotypes by creating a story with almost no romance, action, or comedy. It was a story of a girl who got so in touch with her virtual identity that she essentially broke the border between reality and virtual reality. Without giving away too many spoilers, I'll try to elaborate on what the anime is really about.

It's basically putting reality into question;
What really gives us our identity? Memories? Because if no one remembered us, how would we be identified?
But memories can be lost, destroyed, changed. Meaning that our identities themselves can be lost, destroyed or ...

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