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The Kabocha Wine
Mar 4, 8:45 AM
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Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 1
Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 1
Mar 1, 1:06 PM
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Cardcaptor Sakura
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Shoukoku no Altair
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Hikari to Tomo ni...: Jiheishouji wo Kakaete
Hikari to Tomo ni...: Jiheishouji wo Kakaete
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MechaFanBoy1979 Feb 2, 5:27 AM

Hey, I'm back. Just wanna crash in and chat with you again. Well I'm not exactly done with my break, but i really didn't want to leave this conversation in a somber note. You're correct that i had a ton of things going on. Of course i could vent those feeling out just as you requested. But....i have to decline the offer unfortunately. While i appreciate you're empathy and you're admiration towards me. I finally learned that my father (and young me) were right, opening up to people only leads to more problems, so it's best to stay quiet.

I'm glad that someone out there, understood my struggles. Because of that, it means you're one of the few people on this site i could trust. But as i mentioned earlier, i won't open up any further than what i already spilled out. in fact i even regret what i said in my last comment. This is due to some stuff that happen before and during New Year's, however i won't elaborate further, unfortunately. But who knows, maybe one day i could finally talk about a bit more about my life and what happened during late December. Only time can tell.

For now, let's forget about the negative and look at the positive. Also you can look at my devianart page if you want to see more of my art:

There's a lot of stuff we can talk about like say a few obscure VN's i wanna talk about, plus luckily for you I just got back into mecha after my 2 year hiatus! So:

While i did said i'm not interested in conversations as i used to, i do still enjoyed them, especially talking about the things i love. So what do you say friend? Shall we continue our discussion?

Oh, and before you ask, I'm feeling better than the state i was in. I'm not fully recovered yet, but things have been getting better for me thankfully. Also remember i said i discovered Subahibi though that meme, well actually it was this:

I just simply forgot about it, lol 😅
timetoai Jan 7, 11:26 PM
Hey! Thanks for Rokka no Yuusha anime recommendation. I was so fascinated by the story that I started reading LN.
MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 24, 2024 7:45 PM
Uh, sorry for the late reply, there were reasons why, i'll talk about soon. Shit, i missed your birthday! If i wasn't such a emotional wreck, i would've seen your birthdate! Ah well, if only i noticed it sooner...

Anyways, it took a while, but I'm basically almost finished with Mahoyo, since it's Christmas break from where I'm from. I likely would finished it before this year ends, I can't say the same for Dies Irae, i finished the first two routes, but i may not be able to finished the 3rd route (despite the fact the final battle takes place during Christmas eve!), but who knows really. But they're really good VN's i would 100% recommend. But i can understand your struggle of reading VNs, after all we got other business to take care of, first.

That aside, I'm a pretty big fan of Tsukihime, since it was my very first VN i ever read. I've red the manga first briefly before i discover there was a remake and decided to read that instead, i later read the OG VN, albeit the only the Hisui route, since i heard it was the best route (which it is). But Tsukihime is what got me into the Nasuverse alongside with the 2006 Fate anime. Man....I really need to re-read it. Oh, i did draw two sketches, that i hope you like.

I check your VN list, i gotta say it's pretty interesting. I mean, i haven't red a lot of VNs aside from the ones i mentioned, so i don't have anything else to say. I did recognize the more well know works then the obscure stuff. But then again, i love obscure stuff in general. Yelp, i'll just give you a thumps up for having a good list! 👍

The friend i was referring to was sekaiwalpurgis. You see, i attempted recommend Tsukihime to her alongside with another friend dannyfrogg. While danyfrogg was genuinely interested of Tsukihime (plus Dies Irae), but sekai on the other hand....I'm not really sure, since she didn't response back after our conversation. I hope she has some form of interest. Cuz, it would be the equivalent of splitting someone in the eye, if she had no interest. After all the main reason why i recommend Tsukihime in first place was to gain some form of happiness, after seeing my injury cat die in front of me, thanks to my mother (for some reason) refusing to take him to the vent. You could say sekai, had (unitedly) hurt my feelings. It's quite the shame, really. I really did wanted to talk to her, since i view you guys as actual friends, since i didn't had friends of my own. Well i do now, but at time i didn't really had anyone to talk (aside from my family), thanks to my mutism.

In the end, if she wasn't interest of Tsukihime, i'll just move on, even if i'm forever disappointed, it's her choice at the end of the day, not mines. Sorry this took so long, i had to deal with some problems related to both real life and online, plus i'm slowly losing interest of talking to people online. At this point, i may even start ignoring replies. Please forgive me for this, and i hope you understand my reasons.

But i sincerely hope you have a good Christmas, buddy :)

fausifahrial Dec 18, 2024 6:16 PM
Glad to hear that! I totally get what you mean—it’s so rare for episodic anime to maintain that level of engagement, and Princess Principal absolutely nailed it with its twists and character depth. And Kyrie as your pfp? A bold choice, haha! Rokkenjima wouldn’t be the same without her wicked side.

As for how I found your profile, I think it just caught my attention while I was browsing. Your profile stood out, and your taste seemed really interesting, so I decided to stop by and check it out!
Joshhhp Dec 18, 2024 2:19 PM
No problem! ^^
Joshhhp Dec 17, 2024 2:23 PM
Happy Birthday!

fausifahrial Dec 17, 2024 1:10 AM
Totally agree! Princess Principal perfectly combines the 19th-century London vibe with impressive steampunk elements. The dark cityscapes, advanced steampunk technology, along with the political intrigue and strategic spy action, create such a distinct atmosphere. The storyline is also engaging, filled with twists, surprises, and underlying drama in each mission. I think that's what makes this anime stand out.

By the way, is your profile Kyrie? nice pfp!
Ashhk Dec 16, 2024 11:58 PM
Happy birthday! 🥳
dannyfrogg Dec 16, 2024 11:37 PM
Happy Birthday but I dont like your favourites
fausifahrial Dec 16, 2024 9:47 PM
You're welcome, have a great day ~
fausifahrial Dec 16, 2024 8:33 PM
Happy birthday! :)
Luc05 Dec 16, 2024 10:48 AM
Happy Birthday rei, have a good one!
Delty103 Sep 28, 2024 9:53 PM
ayo whats your discord, my previous id was hacked T_T
MechaFanBoy1979 Sep 28, 2024 12:44 AM
Ummm, i kinda figure that you read VN's. Since i do remember you befriend me after i attempted to recommend Tsukihime to one of my friends (who's also your friend as well).

I have been planning on reading Subahibi for a while after i stumbled upon a meme (which i wanted to know the ''context'' after watching it). Altho i have to finished Dies Irae, Mahoyo, and Song of Saya first before i get to read it. I mean i serious need to finish reading Mahoyo, Like i started reading it waaaaaaay back in August of 2023 and i still haven't even complete it!

''Sigh'' i'm a pretty lazy person unfortunately....😔

Pssst btw, this the meme i was referring to!
MechaFanBoy1979 Sep 27, 2024 10:17 PM
i got a question, do you read Visual Novels? (just something i wanna discuss with briefly)
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