I still remember the time when my friend thought this anime was a bunch of lesbian girls fooling around. Tbh, that's what I thought too. I decided to give this anime a try and after watching 1 episode, I immediately got hooked. I guess I was 5% right about the lesbian part.
Story 9/10
The show is basically a spin-off to another anime show called "A Certain Magical Index". When I first started watching this anime, I didn't know it was a spin-off. The show is focused on Mikoto Misaka, one of the lv 5 espers in Academy City and her friends which I'm going to go in depth in the characters section.
There are 2 major plots and a lot of little adventure plots for the first season. The 2 major plots are the "Level Upper" incident and the "Poltergiest" incident. Now my opinions. If you watch this anime as a stand-alone like I did without watching "Index" then prepare to be somewhat confused at the plot. I eventually understood everything. After understanding everything, I found the story to be great. It tends to be not very serious which I like.
Art/Animation 10/10
If you read my little introduction above then know that was my 2nd reason why I started watching this anime. My very 1st reason is the Animation. For a show that was made back in 2009, the animation is wonderful. I'm probably going to get some hate for this but the animation is 2x better than AoT and F/Z. My comparisons are probably unfair because those shows have darker animation and this one has fun and colourful animation.
Sound 8/10
The soundtrack for this show is great... Especially the battle themes and some "joke" scenes where they used funny soundtracks. Oh god, the battle theme, especially the end. It actually gave me a goosebump for over 10 mins. The 1st OP was amazing and 2nd OP was ok but not better than 1st OP. The 1st ED and 2nd ED are in par. They're both equally amazing
Character 9/10
I absolutely love the characters in the show. The only character I find a bit annoying is Uiharu but she's still a great character nonetheless. When Mikoto and Shirai are paired up, it makes the show funnier and great. Likewise when it comes to Uiharu and Kazari, it also makes the show funnier. The characters are well developed with some episodes focusing on one of the characters, flashback, etc.
I'm only going to introduce the 4 main characters and not the supporting and antagonists.
Mikoto Misaka, one of the seven LV. 5 espers that can emit electricity, immune to electricity and can shoot a "railgun" by flipping a coin and the main protagonist of the show. Some or most people think that she's a normal lady or an asshole that looks down on people who has low level than her but on the inside she's a short-tempered, prideful, and improper attitude girl who has a wierd obsession with kiddy things. Shirai Kuroko, a LV.4 esper and works for Judgement. Her powers is teleportation. She is Mikoto's best friend and has "feelings" for her which is obvious when you watch the show. Ruiko Saten, one of Uiharu's friend and a LV 0. She has a weird habit of pulling Uiharu's skirt up and she's almost useless when it comes to battle. Uiharu Kazari, a LV. 2 and a friend of Shirai. She also works for Judgement which also makes Shirai her colleague.
Enjoyment 9/10
There are a lot of funny moments on this show and that's one of my reasons why I enjoyed this show so much. The show did confuse me a bit when it comes to storytelling and timeframe.
Overall 9/10
There's a reason why this show didn't get a perfect score from me. The timeframe is a little bit messed up, fanservices, and a few cliche's. However, it got a 9 from me because of great story, great characters, perfect animation, great soundtrack, and great character development. If you like anime with fun atmosphere then this is the show for you. If you like anime with seriousness and a lot of action then this is not the show for you. If you're also going to consider skipping this show because it's full of girls then you're making a big mistake but I won't stop you. I'm actually re-watching the series right now in English Dub and I still love it.
-Great story
-Lovable characters
-Perfect Animation
-Great soundtrack
-Great character development
-A lot of funny moments
-Show does not take itself seriously
-Timeframe is a bit messed up
-Few cliche's