This was... strange to say the least. It was recommended to me by a friend, who said that it wasn't a great show overall but it had some interesting aspects. If you're here and you are a.) a yaoi fan b.) a fan of fictional toxic relationships or c.) a fan of 'mafia' style anime, this review is for you.
First of all, I'll start by addressing the elements of the show objectively. The storyline starts off interesting, but it quickly delves into a realm of the unexplainable. Do police not exist in this world? Some may make the argument that this is a mafia AU, so the police are possibly corrupt. Cool, then why isn't that shown? It seems like a plot hole when it's blatantly not covered. In other aspects, it entirely skips over the plot that should be there and continues with the so-called 'romance', as if the actual story is self-explanatory. But I suppose it's so cliche that it kinda is, to an extent. Overall, for a mafia AU, this was a little sad.
The art, I'll give a pass to. I've been reading the manga and other than strange proportions in the semes' shoulders at times, most everything is drawn alright. THIS IS NOT FULLY ANIMATED! If you're obsessed with animation and everything being smooth and well done, step away! This is mostly just colored and slightly animated (a limb here and there, lips) manga frames. Not even joking, the frames were pretty much copy-pasted.
I... didn't like the music. At all. At the most serious and trying of times for our dear uke, the music is an upbeat elevator-style instrumental, and a lot of the time it just felt like a fan animated manga bit on youtube. Not very well done in that aspect.
With the characters, I'm not sure where to start. There was an interesting 'villain', but when looking at the main love interest for the uke, you come to terms with the fact that he's basically a rapist. Not basically, scratch that-- he IS a rapist. It says so in the summary itself. However, like every classic uke, our main character completely neglects this fact and starts to take this 'relationship' with his abuser seriously and starts to depend on him. Toxic relationship at its finest.
Overall, I have to say for the first half of the first episode I was pretty bored and wondering if I should even continue watching this. I only kept watching because I was reassured by the fact that it was only two episodes and that I would finish in no time at all.
Now, FOR THE YAOI FANS: This is your cup of tea. It has a classic seme and uke, some jealousy thrown in, and a good bit of kink. Did I mention the uke is pretty tsundere too? And the seme doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no', is a rapist, and has no refractory period whatsoever? Yep, you heard it here folks! Go ahead and give this a try.
FOR TOXIC RELATIONSHIP JUNKIES: I love myself some good angst and friction in an unhealthy fictional couple, but this isn't what you want. There is no gradual or mentally unstable dependence or 'love' in this. It jumps straight from rape to being in love. /Actual/ love. Or what the characters consider that to be anyways. There is no friction, no character development, no nothing. If you're into that kinda thing, I would suggest Ai No Kusabi, which presents a very compelling and well-written story about toxic dependence.
FOR THOSE MAFIA AU FANS: GET AWAY! This will ruin your love for mafia shit. I'm warning you. This honestly has close to no plot or anything to do with mafia style stuff-- it's just the convenient premise for an uneven power dynamic.
All in all, I feel like this is a very niche anime and it will appeal to the people who are into kinky yaoi. If you're not feeling the animation, check out the manga. It's pretty much the same.
I would recommend this if you: want a crappy modern version of Ai no Kusabi, like kinky shizz, are into power dynamics, really like seme-uke
I would NOT recommend this if you: are an animation elitist, want character development, are here for plot, are invested in genuine characters in genuine relationships
Have a great day everyone!