Interest Stacks

Buddy Cop

Apr 11 2023, 4:17 PM | Updated Dec 29, 2024 3:42 AM
'饾敼饾暒饾晻饾晻饾暘 饾晹饾暊饾暋 饾暁饾暏 饾晵 饾晿饾晼饾暉饾暎饾晼 饾暔饾暁饾暐饾暀 饾暋饾暆饾暊饾暐饾暏 饾暁饾暉饾暓饾暊饾暆饾暓饾暁饾暉饾晿 饾暐饾暔饾暊 饾暋饾晼饾暊饾暋饾暆饾晼 饾暊饾晽 饾暓饾晼饾暎饾暘 饾晻饾暁饾晽饾晽饾晼饾暎饾晼饾暉饾暐 饾晵饾暉饾晻 饾晹饾暊饾暉饾晽饾暆饾暁饾晹饾暐饾暁饾暉饾晿 饾暋饾晼饾暎饾暏饾暊饾暉饾晵饾暆饾暁饾暐饾暁饾晼饾暏 饾暔饾暀饾暊 饾晵饾暎饾晼 饾晽饾暊饾暎饾晹饾晼饾晻 饾暐饾暊 饾暔饾暊饾暎饾暅 饾暐饾暊饾晿饾晼饾暐饾暀饾晼饾暎 饾暐饾暊 饾暏饾暊饾暆饾暓饾晼 饾晵 饾晹饾暎饾暁饾暈饾晼 饾晵饾暉饾晻/饾暊饾暎 饾晻饾晼饾晽饾晼饾晵饾暐 饾晹饾暎饾暁饾暈饾暁饾暉饾晵饾暆饾暏, 饾暏饾暊饾暈饾晼饾暐饾暁饾暈饾晼饾暏 饾暆饾晼饾晵饾暎饾暉饾暁饾暉饾晿 饾晽饾暎饾暊饾暈 饾晼饾晵饾晹饾暀 饾暊饾暐饾暀饾晼饾暎 饾暁饾暉 饾暐饾暀饾晼 饾暋饾暎饾暊饾晹饾晼饾暏饾暏' - 饾晭饾暁饾暅饾暁饾暋饾晼饾晻饾暁饾晵

岽�隃� 岽�纱 岽�岽犐磪 岽嚿瘁磰岽徥忈磭蕗 岽応湴 蕶岽溼磪岽吺� 岽勧磸岽� 瑟 岽樖�岽囮湵岽嚿瘁礇 岽涐磸 蕪岽忈礈 岽� 薀瑟隃贬礇 岽応湴 隃笔溼磸岽£湵 岽浭溼磤岽� 岽嚿瘁磩岽忈磵岽樶磤隃标湵 岽浭溼磭 瑟岽呩磭岽� 岽応湴 饾榿饾槃饾椉 饾椉饾椊饾椊饾椉饾榾饾椂饾榿饾棽 饾椊饾棽饾椏饾榾饾椉饾椈饾棶饾椆饾椂饾榿饾椂饾棽饾榾 饾槃饾椉饾椏饾椄饾椂饾椈饾棿 饾榿饾椉饾棿饾棽饾榿饾椀饾棽饾椏 (岽滉湵岽溼磤薀薀蕪 岽涐磸 隃贬磸薀岽犪磭 岽勈�瑟岽嶀磭, 蕶岽溼礇 岽嶀磤蕪 蕶岽� 岽勧磸岽嶀磵瑟岽浬瓷� 岽勈�瑟岽嶀磭隃�, 岽嶀磤蕪 蕶岽� 纱岽� 岽勈�瑟岽嶀磭隃� 岽�岽� 岽�薀薀). 岽徥�岽呩磭蕗岽囜磪 蕶蕪 蕗岽囀熱磭岽犪磤纱岽勈� (岽樶磭蕗隃贬磸纱岽�薀 岽忈礃瑟纱瑟岽徤�, 岽浭�瑟岽囜磪 岽嵤� 蕶岽囮湵岽�)

(蕼岽�岽犪磭 岽�岽呩磪岽囜磪 岽犪磭蕗蕪 蕗岽忈礈散蕼 隃贬礈岽嶀磵岽�蕗瑟岽囮湵 岽応湴 岽浭溼磭 岽吺徤瘁磤岽嵣磩隃� 瑟纱 蕶蕗岽�岽勧磱岽囜礇隃� 隃搬磸蕗 岽囜磤岽勈� 隃笔溼磸岽�)
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
TV, 2018, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
As buddy cop you can get, its definitey more on the light hearted side, I personally loved it! but just dont take it too seriously

(rookie + experienced)
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Tiger & Bunny
TV, 2011, 25 eps Me:- Author:8
As buddy cop you can get without being 'cops' plus the story goes into really great depth on the characters and watching their growth and understanding of eachother is really heartwarming. Its a mecha but I wouldnt let that stop you if youre not really into mecha since it's not the main focus of the show + its more of an iron man suite vibe than gundam war machines.

(spontaneous + cautious)
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> has season 2
TV, 2012, 13 eps Me:- Author:7
An opposing pair working together and they do learn from eachother, there is just a little more of group formation but the main two are defintely the focus. Highly reccomend for the rare competent female lead. Shounen fighitng + mystery.

(puppy eyes + if looks could kill)
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Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited
TV, 2020, 11 eps Me:- Author:8
rich man solves crime isnt batman. Fun lighthearted watch!

('you cant do that' + 'I just did')
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Shiguang Dailiren
ONA, 2021, 11 eps Me:- Author:9
Not only does it have the buddy cop dynamics, the mystery solving has a very unique go about. The show has a great soundtrack and animation. The stroy is gripping but still fun. Overall solid watch.

(big bro + lil bro)
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> has season 2
High Card
TV, 2023, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
Great watch for any fans of mafia aesthetics, these guys arent solving crime per sey, but theyre definitley involved in crime. Now whilst I woulnd't say this is the strongest show of buddy cop as I feel theres not a strong emphasis on conflict between the two, its a damn good show. They focus more on the two learning about eachother I'd say. There is a season 2 as well.

(genuine + fake)
> has season 2
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
TV, 2023, 13 eps Me:- Author:6
Was reminded heavily of Kugou Keiji in the first episode. A detective story so it really fits into a buddy cop, it follows different mysteries each an 1-3 episodes, but there is an overarching plot. I don't know how to describe it but this show reminds me of scooby doo in a way. They both kinda get along, its your classic straight man to wacko comedic duo.

'(brilliant detective + niave fool)' - literally said in the show
> has season 2
A.D. Police (TV)
TV, 1999, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
Thanks to @Aikalukko for the suggestion. Its been certified vouched buddycop, and even though I haven't seen it the cover makes me 100% sure anyway.
TV, 2019, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
The relationship in this is peak buddy cop, the only thing it theyre not fighting crime, they are the crime, on the run, DO NOT TAKE THIS SHOW SERIOSULY! its a great laugh though!

(creepy uncle + highschool heartthrob)
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Buddy Daddies
TV, 2023, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
not quite 'solving crime' but very much two opposites working together.

(mom + dad)
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Fukigen na Mononokean
TV, 2016, 13 eps Me:- Author:6
bishie mystery solving in school, yokai, defintely a light watch, fans of natsume yuujinchou will probably enjoy

(^u^ + -n-)
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> has season 2
Karneval (TV)
TV, 2013, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
A good mix of the cliche diamond in the rough + lost-happy-head-empty ending up together in a (un)lucky place and time, and now I guess theyre stuck that way.

(tsundere + deredere)
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The Marginal Service
TV, 2023, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
So I am only 1 episode deep into this currently airing anime. It seems like its a buddy cop. Actually Its the reason I made the list I just deadass forgot about it exisitng while making the list. I was thinking to myself Jee I sure wtach alt of buddy cop- I digress; I doubt I'm gonna watch it anytime soon though, if anyone has a description i can put in do message!

(no description idk enought about them)
Kabukichou Sherlock
TV, 2019, 24 eps Me:- Author:9
Its basically what if sherlock was constantly on crack (which i guess he kinda was) and lived in japan. We obviously have a watson as our counter. solving mysteries and getting into spats. A good classic buddy cop, only theres is focus on other relations, so I would lean saying it incorparates buddy cop rather than being buddy cop.

(kooky quirky + the straight man)
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TV, 2012, 22 eps Me:- Author:-
discalimer; never finished this. Not because I didnt like it, i loved it. I just got busy and never finished it and forgot everything that happened. But basically firstly one of the few where they actually cops, and different personlaities!

(rules are rules + screw the rules)
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> has season 2
Banana Fish
TV, 2018, 24 eps Me:- Author:9
while theyre not exactly solving crime either, it does have a strong element of two different characters learning to understand eachother

(light + dark)
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Supernatural The Animation
OVA, 2011, 22 eps Me:- Author:8
No, you're not seeing things. Yes this is an anime version of the 2005 cult favourite Supernatural, the origin of omegaverse fanfic, a historical piece to say the least. Monster hunting brothers.

(big bro + lil bro)
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Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
TV, 2018, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
A reacher, but it is two different people having to work together against a common enemy of sorts, its more of a group thing but theres definite growth of relationship and personality due to the pair working together.

('ill kill you' + 'lol k')
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Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru
TV, 2021, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
So this is a show. I wont say you're likley to like this. I feel like the niche for this is if 'psuedo gay exorcism ghost hunting' appeals to you. If you read that and went 'wtf', move on. If you read that and like me went, 'finally'. proceed.

('you're weird' + 'im weird?')
Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori
TV, 2016, 24 eps Me:- Author:8
So this show, is what I'd descibe as a trianwreck. but its my precious trainwreck. So watch at your own caution. Its got a rag tag group vibe, one of the shows Id say incorpated buddy cop rather than is buddy cop. They solve mysteries and I like the fact this show has a sort of overrarching plot.

('shoot me now' + 'hahha ur so funny')
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Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
TV, 2020, 12 eps Me:- Author:6
this ones a bit of a stretch, but its basically about solving prescious stone related mysteries

(simple + complex)
Vanitas no Karte
TV, 2021, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
vampires + mystery. Bit more of shounen fighting than mystery crime solving. But has the two opposites working together and learning to rely on eachother.

(smile + smirk)
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> has season 2
TV, 2020, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
A bit of a stretch because its not exaclty focused on the two working together, but theres definitely a lot of crime solving. Plus I really recommend this show! If you liked psycho pass, top secret, youll probably like this.

(creepy smart + crazy smart)
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Yami no Matsuei
TV, 2000, 13 eps Me:- Author:8
So this show has a bl tag. And im telling you know when 15 year old me watched this I did even know being gay was a thing(no cap). So my point being its definitely not the main focus of the show (to either the dissapointment or joy of some people). Its a bit of an odd show but I did enjoy the plot and the mystery. It is definitley dated though.

(cat + dog)
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Vatican Kiseki Chousakan
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
Now I know what youre thinking... Is this a show about two suspiciously close vatican preist ikemens who travel around solving mysteries. YES yours so right. Amen. Now whilst this lacks to be a true buddy cop imo as they booth get along quite splendidly despite their differences, they do solve mysteries together.

(fairly normal guy + kinda weird guy)
Satsuriku no Tenshi
TV, 2018, 16 eps Me:- Author:7
A reacher, this is indeed, but its very much got the two different people working together thing going for the whole show, not to mentions, imo this show was actually an interesting watch, dont deep it, id still watch it more with a casual mindset, but its got a good mystery thing going for it.

(psycho emo + depressed emo)
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Top Secret: The Revelation
TV, 2008, 26 eps Me:- Author:8
So before I write this its probably worth letting you know whilst I enjoyed this show I actually remember nothing about it other than it had a very cool concept gioing about crime solving, if you like psychopass you might like this.

(let me help + I can do it myself)
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
TV, 2010, 13 eps Me:- Author:7
Ghost hunting mystery show that delvs deeped than youd expect. Two different personalities working together (i think lowkey actually dont remember what happened in this show)

(girl + not girl)
Pumpkin Scissors
TV, 2006, 24 eps Me:- Author:9
now I will admit its been a whilst since I watched this and I actually dont exaclty remember what happened... BUT, i rmember really enjoying the show soooo

(buff guy + W female lead)
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Cop Craft
TV, 2019, 12 eps Me:- Author:4
I have a confession. I watched 1 episode, got bored af and never touched this again. However on the off chance you are STARVED for content. Im assuming its about cops (the title, ik im so smart) and well, they look like theyd probably have differeing opinions. hmu if apparenly im just wrong.

(cop guy + elf girl(?))
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L/R: Licensed by Royal
TV, 2003, 12 eps Me:- Author:6
Another confession. I dont actually remember a single thing about this anime. However, they look like theyre fighting crime...

(suave + rugged)
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TV, 2006, 24 eps Me:- Author:9
So im basically lying at this point but theres many points in which the mc has to work with someone he really hates. Its definitely a key part of the show, together they solve mysteries and stuff, and they have to learn how to deal with eachother. Would i call this a buddy cop... probably not but its just almost there.

(fire + water)
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> has season 2 (sort of)

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