Interest Stacks

Best Of The Thriller Genre

May 11 2022, 6:13 AM | Updated Aug 11, 2023 2:27 AM

then welcome to my thriller stack!!

I'll add to it as I go.

Shows being here are purely based on two things:

1. I have to have seen them. I mean how else can I decide if they're good or not, listen to mal scores? The same score system that put demon slayer season 2 above vinland saga, made in abyss and the freaking disappearance movie?

2. they have to be good thrillers. They DON'T have to be good in every way possible. The thriller aspect is the only aspect that matters here.

Hope you find something new to enjoy :D

Also, subscribe for APolygons2 for the thrill of doing something you haven't done before, that being listening to the instructions of a mal stack!
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
TV, 2014, 24 eps Me:- Author:9
I think this is the best anime I have seen in terms of thriller
Death Parade
TV, 2015, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
I could watch a 1000 episode of this and still want more
TV, 2011, 24 eps Me:- Author:10
There are only a handful of thriller episodes, but they are EXTREMELY good.
Akudama Drive
TV, 2020, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
Plot armor?
ha...ha .... ha...

Yakusoku no Neverland
TV, 2019, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
Just absolute gold....

good thing they DIDN'T make a season 2 that ruined this near masterpiece. there is NO way they would do that right? RIGHT???
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
TV, 2019, 10 eps Me:- Author:9
Best and most thrilling part of AOT no questions asked. It's not even a competition.
Made in Abyss
TV, 2017, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
The thriller is not the selling point of this show, but it is still good enough to be here
Death Note
TV, 2006, 37 eps Me:- Author:8
One of my first anime, and I watched all the episodes in one day.... yes all 37 of them.

Not to mention how episode 7 of death note is the thriller genre at it's PEAK.
Princess Principal
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
one of the least thrilling shows in the list, but it's still good enough to pass the entry.
TV, 2020, 13 eps Me:- Author:8
Unrelated but, can someone draw these guys some cars?

Like the show looks good, but the cars look like they were rendered for ps1

just... why??

is it really that hard to draw cars? I mean I draw stuff and I think They're way easier than humans
Shiguang Dailiren
ONA, 2021, 11 eps Me:- Author:8
Pretty close to death parade in a lot of ways

I personally put death parade slightly higher, but they are very close, if you liked one, you will most likely enjoy the other
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:7

I know what you're thinking...

but you're wrong, this DOES deserve to be here, more than a lot of other shows in the list in fact
Tengoku Daimakyou
TV, 2023, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
The thriller scenes are few and in-between, but they are all extremely good
TV, 2004, 74 eps Me:- Author:10
there it is, the show, the myth the legend, can't wait to add pluto too once it's out
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
ONA, 2022, 10 eps Me:- Author:8
people will hate me for saying this, but this is just poor man's Akudama drive (kinda), which means it's still bloody fantastic

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