8.6 Developing entrepreneurial skills through culture
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Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities
Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors
Developing entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities
In accordance to the National Policy Statement for the Enhancement of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Cyprus (2015) the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth aims at promoting entrepreneurial mindset through the educational system, as mentioned in sub-chapter 3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence. In the same chapter, information can be obtained on the enhancement of entrepreneurial activities in the public universities. There is no strategic focus to the development of entrepreneurial skills through cultural activities. This is rather acquired experientially through the cultural activities of the schools and universities.
A prominent example of an initiative that aims at the development of entrepreneurial skills is the Innovation Day in the Cultural and Creative Industries (Ημερίδα Καινοτομίας στις Πολιτιστικές και Δημιουργικές Βιομηχανίες) that was organized in 2014 for the second time by the Junior Achievement Cyprus Organization, the Cyprus National Committee for UNESCO and the Network of UNESCO Corporate Schools.
At the Innovation Day, the student participants were asked to propose ideas to contribute to the sustainability of the handicraft sector as an aspect of intangible cultural heritage, taking into account ethical principles. Utilizing technology, they identified relevant information and developed their proposal under the guidance of professionals from the field of culture and entrepreneurship. The best proposals were awarded by a special committee. The event provided students the opportunity to develop creative and innovative thinking, enhance entrepreneurial skills, and promote communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. It also aimed to discover and address challenges in the cultural sector, network with culture professionals, and develop presentation skills.
Support young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors
Support to young entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sectors is provided through the funding schemes of the Deputy Ministry of Culture (sub-chapter 8.4 Promoting Culture and cultural participation) and the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry (sub-chapter 3.9 Start-up funding for young entrepreneurs).