3.4 Career guidance and counselling
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Career guidance and counselling services
DYPA develops Consulting and Support actions. Counselling services constitute dynamic interventions and aim to mobilize, empower and facilitate the unemployed in their effort to integrate into the labour market.
The Counselling actions provided by the Agency are:
• Vocational Guidance and Reorientation Counselling
• Job Search Counselling
• Business Initiative Counselling
In order to provide the specific services, the Organization has a network of specialized Consultants, whom it has trained and continuously trains, in order to effectively implement the above actions.
Counselling services are provided based on the needs of job seekers as they are reflected in their Individual Action Plan.
DYPA implements the Act entitled "Pilot program to support business plans of unemployed young people aged 18-29", within the Priority Axis "Facilitating access to employment for young people up to 29 years old".
The following objectives are expected to be achieved with this program:
a) The integration/reintegration of the unemployed young people aged 18-29 in the labour market, through their support in the preparation of business plans, in the context of a single environment of counselling and guidance
b) The quality upgrade of the knowledge and skills of the beneficiaries through coaching, in order to correspond to the modern needs of the labour market
c) The creation of sustainable businesses
The National Organization of the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance, which is supervised by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, operates Educational and Counselling Support Centers (KESY). K.E.S.Y. operate in all prefectures of the country and provide, inter alia, services related to vocational guidance to students, their parents or guardians as well as teachers. There are 79 Counselling and Orientation Centers in Greece. The following services are also available on EOPPEP website:
4. ’’Vision the Future’’ (Real Game)
The Special Management Service of the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning under the Ministry of Development and Investments, which funds the operation: Expansion of the counselling and vocational guidance services and lifelong career management with the use of ICT. The budget is € 600.000 and the source of funding is the European Structural Funds.
The Pilot Program to support business plans of unemployed young people aged 18 to 29 was funded under the OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014 –2020", which is co-funded by the Youth Employment Initiative (PAN). The budget is € 43.400.000 and the source of funding is the European Structural Funds.
The source for the rest of the Counselling and Vocational Guidance actions is public funding.
Quality assurance
There is no National Framework for Quality Assurance.