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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.4 Youth policy decision-making

Last update: 6 December 2024
On this page
  1. Structure of Decision-making
  2. Main Themes
  3. The National Agency for Youth

Structure of Decision-making


Youth policy-making takes place primarily at a central government level. The main responsibility for youth policy lies within the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation through the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation.


However there are other institutional actors that are formally involved in youth policy making such as the Office of the Prime MinisterMinistry for Health and Active AgeingMinistry for Finance; Ministry for Gozo and PlanningMinistry for Home Affairs, Security and EmploymentMinistry for National heritage, the Arts and Local Government; Ministry for Foreign Affairs and TourismMinistry for the Social Policy and Children's Rights; Ministry for social and Affordable Accommodation; Ministry for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects; Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector; and the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Public Cleanliness.


Within these Ministries, there are a number of important stakeholders in youth policy-making such as the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government; Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue; the Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds.


In addition to these Ministries and Parliamentary Secretariats, other entities also play an important role in youth policy decision-making:


JobsPlus was established in 1990 and is the public employment service in Malta, providing a service for employers to search for employees, and for job seekers to apply for different jobs. Jobsplus also offers various training opportunities, ranging from basic skills to more technical and advanced courses. Jobsplus strives to enhance employability by recommending policies and implementing initiatives aimed at empowering, assisting and training jobseekers to facilitate their entry or re-entry into the active employment market, promoting workforce development through skills and competency development, and by assisting employers in their recruitment and training needs.


The Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) was established in 1998 to provide social welfare services, in particular in relation to alcohol and substance abuse and in relation to other social welfare problems prevalent in the country, especially those related to family welfare; to furt​her and promote social and related studies and scholarship, through research, publications and education; and to collaborate with other similar entities, especially, though not exclusively, on a regional and international basis.

The Foundation is made up of three agencies and three directorates, namely, Agency APPOĠĠ, Agency SEDQA, Agency for Community and Therapeutic Services (ACTS), Gozo Branch Services Directorate, Directorate for the Protection of Minors (CPS), Directorate for Alternative Care (DAC).

Aġenzija Appoġġ offers quality psycho-social welfare services to individuals and families inclusive of all diversities through empowering, advocating and safeguarding the well-being of these persons. 


Aġenzija Sedqa offers a multitude of multi-disciplinary services all related to substance and behaviour addictions such as prevention services, community based rehabilitation programmes, residential rehabilitation services, therapeutic services, inpatient and outpatient medical services and also an opiate substitution treatment. 


Agency for Community and Therapeutic Services (ACTS) works with families, individuals, and communities to reach their social and therapeutic goals. The two main branches of ACTS are the Community Services and the Home-Based Therapeutic Services.  


​​The Directorate for Child Protection Services operates under the legal framework of the Minors Protection (Alternative Care) Act, Chapter 602 of the laws of Malta.  It comprises four (4) main services, the Child Protection Investigation unit; the court service; the Children House and the International Dimension of Child Protection.

The Directorate for Alternative Care, aims to safeguard the wellbeing of all children in out of home care, and vulnerable young people. The Directorate strives to ensure that their voice is heard, and they have the opportunity to exercise their rights, and ensure their safety throughout their development. 


 The Office of the Commissioner for Children was set up in terms of the Commissioner for Children Act of 2003, to promote the welfare of children and the compliance with the UN Convention on the rights of the child, as ratified by Malta on the 26th of January 1990, and such other international treaties, conventions or agreements relating to children as are or may be ratified or otherwise acceded to by Malta. The work carried out by the Office focuses on: the protection of children, the promotion of children’s rights, ensuring the provision of necessary services for children, and the participation of children. The office acts as a focal point that monitors the current social and cultural situation in relation to children, such that it can contribute substantially to the co-ordination that needs to take place across all sectors in order to have policies that are child-oriented.

The Office of the Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Mental Disorders promotes and safeguards the rights of persons suffering from a mental disorder and their carers. It is responsible for the establishment of the necessary organisational structures and technical infrastructure to ensure the prompt implementation of the provisions of the new Mental Health Act


The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) safeguards equality on the grounds of gender and family responsibilities, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, racial or ethnic origin, and gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics in employment, education as well as in banks and financial institutions. 


The Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations was set up by the Voluntary Organisations Act 2007 with the task of strengthening the voluntary sector through various initiatives with the specific aim of promoting the work of VOs as well as encouraging their role as partners with the government in various initiatives. The ultimate mission of the Commissioner's office is to give more visibility to the voluntary sector as well as to guarantee transparency and accountability of the organisations that compose it in the carrying out of their important work. In view of this, the Office of the Commissioner is also the regulatory authority responsible for this sector with the aim of monitoring and supervising the activities of these organisations as well as supporting them.


The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector aims to support the development of a more effective and efficient voluntary and community sector in Malta and Gozo. In this regard, the Council delivers a range of support and capacity building services including information, advice and training. The Council also aims to support the development of a more influential and cohesive voluntary and community sector in Malta and Gozo by facilitating networking and partnership within the sector, and between the same sector and the private and public sectors. The Malta Council for Voluntary Organisations is made up of representatives from Voluntary Organisations and one representative from the Government. The Council is appointed by the Minister for Inclusion, Social Wellbeing and Voluntary Organisations every three years. The Chairperson of the Council is appointed by the members themselves at the beginning of each term.

The Social Affairs Committee within the Maltese Parliament deals with all matters relating to social policy, including social assistance and family matters, which may be referred to it by the House or by the Standing Committee on House Business. It is responsible for youth issues.


Aġenzija Sapport provides social work services; community, day and residential services and works with persons with disability and their families to secure the means, opportunities and services whereby they can execute their right to fully participate in community life.


The role of the Social Care Standards Authority (SCSA) as a Regulatory Body is to improve quality and standards in social welfare services to protect and enhance the dignity, safety and welfare of all service users. This vision is to be achieved through support and regulation. Both service users and service providers will be actively involved in the ongoing process of standard development and improvement. The process of regulation is intended to be a positive experience, which is carried out through consultation, collaboration and dialogue. It is envisaged that through its operations, the Authority will positively influence social welfare practices and the qualitative development of services in the sector. The Social Care Standards Authority was established under ACT No. XV of 2018.


The Faculty for Social Wellbeing within the University of Malta has a Department of Youth, Community and Migration Studies that was set to carry out research within the areas of youth and community studies. It also sets up and delivers courses in youth and community studies which lead to academic qualifications. The Department of Youth, Community and Migration Studies also strives to engage in public debates on issues that concern young people through the organisation of conferences and fora with the aim of contributing to the identification of efficiencies and lacunae in legislation and in the youth service and challenging dominant discourse on youth.


Arts Council Malta (ACM) is the national agency for development and investment in the cultural and creative sectors. Its principal task is to fund, support and promote Malta's Cultural and Creative sectors. The Council manages a funding portfolio for the cultural and creative sectors through its national funding programmes.


Main Themes


The 'National Youth Policy, Towards 2030 – Reaching out to, working with, and supporting young people' - is informed and built upon 2 separate but interlocking pillars. These are:

  • The changing circumstances, present challenges and new opportunities – voices and lives of young people in Malta
  • Building on policy foundations and successes in Malta and Europe

The policy was developed while taking into consideration how young people today are confronted with new developments in the ways and means of learning; often rapid economic change, social dislocation and growing, if uneven, affluence; increasing urbanization and rural isolation; and the effects of climate change and threats to the natural environment.


Since it commenced operations in 2011, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the National Youth Agency has put in place administrative structures and operational procedures for the promotion and implementation of youth work practice and youth related services. The agency`s main offices and premises enabled it to house most of its staff and services on the one site. It provides space, facilities and supports for young people and youth voluntary organisations to organise events and initiatives.


The National Youth Policy, Towards 2030 – Reaching out to, working with, and supporting young people has 8 strategic goals. These are:

  • Strategic Goal 1

To listen to and support the voices of young people and raise awareness among young people of issues that impact on their everyday lives and provide youth information.


  • Strategic Goal 2

To conduct research on the lives of young people to ensure a knowledge-based policy approach.


  • Strategic Goal 3

To further facilitate young people’s transition to adulthood.


  • Strategic Goal 4

To provide proactive and responsive regional, local and schools-based supports and services that enable young people to learn, work in and contribute to their communities and the wider society and create an environment that fosters equality, inclusion, educational and economic opportunity, and democratic participation and accountability.


  • Strategic Goal 5

To support a wide-range of national programmes, projects and cross-sectoral initiatives for young people that promote and foster their wellbeing, creativity,  cultural and artistic expression and innovation and engagement in addressing global issues for sustainable development.


  • Strategic Goal 6

To promote and facilitate cross-sectoral initiatives with the voluntary, state and private sectors that adopt an integrated and cohesive approach to meeting young people's needs and fulfilling their aspirations.


  • Strategic Goal 7

To further enhance and develop effective youth work practice.


  • Strategic Goal 8

To ensure effective coordination and cohesion in the implementation of the national youth policy and maximise its potential for supporting young people.


The National Agency for Youth

The National Youth Agency - Aġenzija Żgħażagħ was established in February 2011 by Legal Notice 522/2010. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ was established to mainstream youth related issues and further develop youth services in Malta. Its overall objective is to provide a coherent, cohesive and unified governmental approach to youth related policy issues. 

For young people, it aims to enhance participation, empowerment and dialogue as well as expand support and services. For policymakers, it aims to bring about a change in attitudes and work culture, to include a youth perspective, greater coherence in policymaking and better data and information on youth issues. The mission statement of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is to coordinate the implementation of the National Youth Policy to promote and safeguard the interests of young people.

The agency falls within the responsibility of the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation  and is under the direct supervision of the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation. The Agency is governed by the provisions of the Financial Administration and Audit Act.


The budget for the National Youth Agency for 2018 is € 1,225,000

The budget for the National Youth Agency for 2019 is € 1,225,000

The budget for the National Youth Agency for 2020 is € 1,315,000

The budget for the National Youth Agency for 2021 is € 1,355,000

The budget for the National Youth Agency for 2022 is € 1,828,000



The Agency has the following functions:

  • to liaise and ensure the necessary coordination between Government departments and other agencies in the implementation of youth policy and measures or initiatives proposed by the Government or the Agency from time to time;
  • to undertake and co-ordinate research into specific issues aimed as assessing the state of play with respect to youth affairs;
  • to formulate, co-ordinate, manage and evaluate youth work programmes which promote active youth participation and the empowerment of young people;
  • to provide local and EU information to youth on any matters which may be of interest to their development and facilitate the participation of youths and youth organisation in EU and Euromed programmes;
  • to liaise with the National Authority and National Agency of the Youth in Action programme for a coherent operational programme;
  • to act as a focal point for the involvement of youth in the decision-making process;
  • to promote the role of youth in local Government;
  • to assist and support national and regional voluntary youth organisations and other organisations working in the youth field.

The Agency shall assume the following duties:

  • to coordinate, evaluate and monitor the implementation of the National Youth Policy;
  • to ensure that all Government programmes concerning the affairs and interests of young people are implemented in accordance with the National Youth Policy;
  • to keep direct and continuous contact with local and foreign bodies working in the field of youth, and with other groups, agencies or individuals as the need arises;
  • to ensure the highest standards in youth work; and
  • to keep under review the workings of this Order, and where deemed required, at the request of the Minister or otherwise, submit proposals for the Order’s review.

Policy Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of the national youth policy over the period 2021-2030, will be monitored on an ongoing basis. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ will employ its Annual Reports to record progress on the implementation of the national youth policy and achievement of its strategic goals. Annual Reports will also aim to include date on the nature, extent and level of young people`s participation in youth work and youth services in Malta.


A mid-term review of the national youth policy and its implementation will take place in 2025/26 to ensure that it continues to be relevant and responsive to the needs and aspirations of young people and any proposed amendments or additions will be incorporated as part of the policy.


At the end of the period 2021-2030, an independent evaluation will be conducted on the overall impact of the policy and the benefits accruing for young people and the wider society.