3.3 Skills forecasting
1. Predicting the System
2. Development of skills
Forecasting and development of skills is carried out at the level of companies, enterprises or various public or private bodies without interference from the highest level for which state authorities would be responsible. The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is responsible for monitoring the state of the labor market in the country and abroad. The Ministry and the Employment Institute conduct regular surveys in order to identify what skills, knowledge and qualifications are needed by the economy of Montenegro. One of the main programs that speaks in favor of this and concerns young people is the Vocational Training Program for university students, where young people acquire additional knowledge and skills.
Development of skills
When it comes to the labor market, it is important to point out that progress has been made, as well as that there is a system for acquiring professional qualifications needed by the labor market, in accordance with the Law on National Professional Qualifications.
This mismatch and the lack of new jobs are an obstacle to economic growth and competitiveness. Institutions of formal education are explained in more detail in Chapter Education and Training in the section related to General context and more information about the organization of education in Montenegro is presented on the Eurydice platform.
The Institute of Education of Montenegro publishes information on plans and programs and is available at link The Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (AKOKVO) is the leading state body for external quality assurance of higher education, established in 2017 by the Law on Higher Education. The main duty of AKOKVO is to manage the process of evaluation and certification of higher education institutions and study programs in accordance with European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education - ESG
The accreditation procedure can be found at the following link.
When we talk about the mechanisms for determining the number of publicly funded study places, the determination procedure is carried out in such a way that the Government of Montenegro once a year makes a decision on funding students at the proposal of the University of Montenegro.
The Center for Vocational Education is part of the EPALE platform and implements a project that, among other things, refers to adult education providers in Montenegro. Within the mentioned project, Montenegro is a member of the Community of European VET practitioners network.
This Community of Practice (CoP) will strengthen the Vocational Education and Training (VET) community across the EU. It is addressed to practitioners/experts dealing with skills development for young people and adults for the labour market, to help them better anticipate and prepare for future challenges. This space aims to be an interactive platform for teachers, trainers, in-company tutors to network and exchange good practices and ideas, for finding concrete solutions to their problems with the help of peers, keep up to date with European policies and contribute to European VET initiatives. Let’s bring policy closer to practice!
Non-formal education programs (workshop, training, training) are organized and planned educational activities, which encourage individual and social learning, outside the formal education system, in which participation is voluntary, and are designed and implemented by trained and competent educators. Informal education and informal education are also recognized in the Law on Youth for the implementation of youth activities and youth work, and youth services are established, which are divided into youth clubs and youth centers.
The youth club is a space adapted to the needs of young people in order to implement youth activities (office, etc.), and the youth center is an equipped, multifunctional space for the needs of young people, which is used to implement youth activities and youth work. Plan and program of work in youth services Youth activities and youth work are carried out in accordance with the Plan and program of work of youth services.
Within these spaces, non-formal education trainings are held, conducted by Forum MNE in cooperation with the Center for Vocational Education (Ministry of Education) and they have completed the process of recognizing youth qualifications. An activist (on the European level equal to a Youth Leader) who will significantly contribute to the professionalization of youth work and improve youth services at the national and local level.
Superschools is a RYCO programme with cooperation with the Ministry of Education for school exchanges in WB6 with the objectives to support the peacebuilding and reconciliation process and intercultural learning and dialogue among schools, students and their communities. The programme is part of a multi donor project “Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme” co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)
In the Economic and Investment Plan of the European Commission for the Western Balkans, young people are the focus of the last of a total of 10 investment priorities. In order to offer solutions in various problematic areas, and above all in employment, the European Commission proposed the Youth Guarantee, which represents a system of measures that would ensure that every young person, within 4 months after losing a job or leaving formal education, receives a quality job offer, the possibility of continuing education, training or internship.
It is also important to mention the new three-year project of the RCC (Council for Regional Cooperation) called "Youth Laboratory of the Western Balkans", which is funded by the European Union. The goal of the project is to give young people the opportunity to participate in decision-making in six economies of the Western Balkans, among which is Montenegro, by establishing youth laboratories, which together with policy makers will deal with issues of importance for this social category, such as employment, entrepreneurship, education and similar.
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