5.5 National strategy to increase youth participation
There is no specific national strategy on youth participation in Montenegro, as an overarching public document, an action plan, or a set of official documents integrating the major directions to be followed in the organization of policy making at the national level.
The Strategy defines six key priorities (outcomes) regarding Montenegrin youth: https://www.strategijazamlade.me/.
C. Young people are active citizens, involved, motivated, proactive and participate in decision-making and community development processes, in creation of policies and their implementation
Scope and contents:
Main elements of the Youth Strategy 2017-2021 which are in line with key priority C: Development of youth participation culture; putting in place mechanisms / systems for fostering activism; supporting youth organizing and youth networking
The youth policy in Montenegro is implemented by the Government of Montenegro; state administration bodies Ministry of Sports and Youth https://www.gov.me/cyr/ms/mladi; other administration bodies competent for areas of relevance to young people; municipalities, the Capital and the Old Royal Capital; non-governmental organizations; and other entities participating in planning, implementation and improvement of youth policy (Law on Youth, Article 3).
More information is available on the Chapter I Youth Policy Governance.