8.5 Developing cultural and creative competences
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Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training
Specialised training for professionals in the education, culture and youth fields
Providing quality access to creative environments
Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training
Art forms are regarded as separate objects. The arts as a curricular area is compulsory through the entire first level of education (ISCED 1) and also in lower secondary education (ISCED 2).
The following is the status of different art subjects in the national curriculum:
- Art – an optional arts subject (Umetnost)
- Dance – part of another compulsory non-arts subject (Športna vzgoja)
- Drama – part of another compulsory non-arts subject (Slovenščina)
- Music – compulsory arts subject (Glasbena vzgoja)
- Visual arts – compulsory arts subject (Likovna vzgoja)Ethnology – Cultural Heritage and Ways of Life – optional subject (Etnologija – kulturna dediščina in načini življenja)
- Film Education – optional subject (Filmska vzgoja)
- Music – ensemble music, music works, music project – one-year subject (Glasba – Ansambelska igra, Glasbena dela, Glasbeni projekt)
- Dance activities – folk dances, dance, antique and social dances – one-year subject (Plesne dejavnosti – Ljudski plesi, Ples, Starinski in družabni plesi)
- Slovene language – theatre club, literature club, school journalism – one-year subject (Slovenščina – Gledališki klub, Literarni klub, Šolsko novinarstvo)
- Art history – what the artworks are telling us, shape and style, life depicted in art – one-year subject (Umetnostna zgodovina – Kaj nam govorijo umetnine, Oblika in slog, Življenje upodobljeno v umetnosti)
- Artistic design I, II and III – one-year subject (Likovno snovanje)
In ISCED 3, students must complete optional compulsory contents (obvezne izbirne vsebine), one of which is Cultural and Art Content, which include and interconnect activities in music, fine arts, film, dance, theatre and word art as well as the activities of learning and preserving the natural heritage. The duration of these contents is 15 hours.
Slovenia encourages cross-curricular links between the arts and all other subjects as part of the aims for the whole curriculum.
In 2009, the National Guidelines for Cultural and Arts Education in Training and Education (Državne smernice za kulturno-umetnostno vzgojo v vzgoji in izobraževanju) were adopted. The list of areas in accordance with the aims of cultural and arts education includes and connects:
- reading culture
- film and audiovisual culture
- musical art
- Intermedia art (multimedia)
- cultural heritage and technical culture
- fine arts (painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, design ...)
- performing arts (theatre, puppets, contemporary dance ...)
This list of areas is open and is in no way complete. The aims of cultural and art education are intertwined and complementary:
- realising the fundamental human right to education and participation in the cultural field
- developing creativity
- developing individual abilities
- improving the quality of education
- developing an aesthetic sensitivity and a critical attitude towards culture and art
- expressing cultural diversity
- raising the level of cultural awareness
- promoting awareness of the importance of national cultural heritage
Non-formal learning is also supported and encouraged (see also Chapter 8.4 – Promoting culture and cultural participation).
Specialised training for professionals in the education, culture and youth fields
Professional workers in kindergartens and schools did not systematically encounter cultural education during their formal education, although in many study programmes (preschool education, classroom instruction etc.) they learned about individual fields of art.
Each year, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport issues a catalogue of programmes for further education and the training of professionals in education (Katalog programov nadaljnjega izobraževanja in usposabljanja strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju). These kinds of professional training and seminars in the field of cultural and art education are carried out by various experts from different institutions and organisations. Quality training, involving professionals from cultural institutions and artists, is also presented within the Cultural Bazaar (Kulturni bazar) in the catalogue of offerings of cultural and art education (Katalog ponudbe kulturnoumetnostne vzgoje (2019). The Cultural Bazaar offers education and training for professionals in culture and youth fields as well as for the general public.
Providing quality access to creative environments
The Implementation Plan for the Period 2016–2017 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013-2022 za leti 2016 in 2017) and The Implementation Plan for the Period 2018–2019 (Izvedbeni načrt Resolucije o Nacionalnem programu za mladino 2013–2022 za leti 2018 in 2019) i
- A direct call for directors of public institutes in the field of culture to submit their financial plans and work programmes for 2016–2017 and for 2018–2019.
- In accordance with the proposals of the programmes of the work of public institutes in the field of cultural heritage, public institutions will provide spatial and technical possibilities (infrastructure, etc.).
- The measure is financed in the amount of 200,000 EUR each year.
- Implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.
- Youth programme in the field of amateur cultural activities
- This includes performing a programme of events for children and youth in the field of the following artistic types: choral, theatre and puppet theatre, literature, instrumental music, folklore dance, film and fine arts. The programme is implemented in cooperation with elementary schools.
- The measure includes monitoring the increased share of quality programmes and projects which actively involve young people (indicator).
- The measure is financed in the amount of 150,000 EUR annually (in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019).
- Implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.
- Funding programmes for Slovenian film heritage intended for young people
- This includes funding programmes of the Slovenian Cinematheque, including the Pedagogical Programme for Children and Youth.
- The measure includes monitoring the increased share of quality programmes and projects which actively involve young people (indicator).
- The measure is financed in the amount of 22,246 EUR in 2016 and 2017.
- Implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.
- Growing up with a book (Rastem s knjigo)
- This is a national project promoting reading culture, implemented and managed by the Slovenian Book Agency.
- The measure includes monitoring the increased share of quality programmes and projects which actively involve young people (indicator).
- The measure is financed in the amount of 80,000 EUR annually (in 2016 and 2017) and 75,000 EUR in 2018 and 2019.
- Implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.
- Support for projects and programmes for youth by the Slovenian Book Agency
- The support is provided for projects and programmes in the broad field of reading culture, literary events, trainings, publishing books intended for young people.
- The indicator is participation of young people in reading culture development events.
- The measure is financed in the amount of approximately 200,000–300,000 EUR annually (in 2018 and 2019).
- Implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.