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6. Education and Training

6.1 General context

Last update: 3 March 2025
On this page
  1. Main trends in young people's participation in education and training
  2. Organisation of the education and training system
  3. Main concepts

Main trends in young people's participation in education and training

Having been determined by the National Education Basic Law no. 1739 (1739 sayılı Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu), the National Education System is formed of two main parts as “Formal Education” and “Non-formal Education”. Basic stages in the education system of Türkiye are pre-school, primary education, secondary education and higher education stages. 

  Schooling Percentages according to Age Groups        
  3-5 year-old 4-5 year-old 6-9 year-old 10-13 year-old 14-17 year-old
Boys 52,14 64,58 98,55 98,38 94,77
Girls 52,29 64,79 98,63 98,36 94,21
Total 52,21 64,68 98,59 98,37 94,50

According to the National Education Statistics- Formal Education 2022-2023 announced by the Ministry of National Education, 19 million 679 thousand students benefit from formal education in Türkiye. According to the data for the 2022-2023 academic year in formal education, there are 15 million 887 thousand 296 students enrolled in public schools, 1 million 670 thousand 729 students in private schools, and 2 million 346 thousand 654 students in distance education institutions. 

8 million 146 thousand 736 students are male, and 7 million 740 thousand 560 students are female out of the 15 million students in public schools. 

In private schools, 909 thousand 377 are male students and 760 thousand 956 are female students. 

At the primary education level among 11 million 679 thousand 033 students in formal preschools, primary schools and middle schools, 14.40 % are enrolled in preschools, 44,41% in primary schools and 41,19% are enrolled in middle schools. 

At the primary education level among the 1 million 098 thousand 791 students in private preschools, primary schools and middle schools, 34.01 % are enrolled in preschools, 31.74 % in primary school and 34.26 % in middle schools. 


Organisation of the education and training system

The National Education System, determined by National Education Basic Law no. 1739 (1739 sayılı Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu), consists of two main parts, namely “formal education” and “non-formal education”. Formal education is the regular education conducted within a school for individuals in a certain age group and at the same level, under programs developed in accordance with the purpose. Formal education includes pre-primary, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary and higher education institutions.

Pre-Primary Education: Pre-primary education institutions can be opened as independent kindergartens. They also can be opened with the approval of the state territorial as practise classes in vocational and technical secondary education institutions which have child development and education fields; and as nursery classes in other education institutions. Children aged 57-68 months (born in 2017) by the end of September of the year of registration are enrolled in kindergartens, nursery classes and practise classes. After the enrolment of children who are residing in the school's enrolment area and who will start primary education in the next educational year, children aged 36-56 months can be enrolled in kindergartens and practise classes with adequate physcial opportunities. Children aged 45-56 months can also be enrolled in nursery classes. The objective of pre-primary education; to ensure the physical, mental and emotional development of children and acquire good habits, to prepare them for primary education, to create a common upbringing environment for children from disadvantaged environments and families, and to ensure that children speak Turkish correctly and beautifully

Summer Preschool: In order to provide access to preprimary education for children in settlements where the school age population is dense and the physical conditions are insufficient, in line with the 82nd article of the Ministry of National Education PrePrimary Education and Primary Education Institutions Regulation, in the summer months of the school year, mobile teacher classroom, mobile class, transportation center nursery class and similar flexible hour and timed education access models are classified under the title of summer education.

Game Room Course Program: The purpose of the game room programme for aged 37-72 months (aged 3-6) is to create a common educational environment for the children whose parents apply to lifelong learning institutions for education. The course programme is planned based on the principles of Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Basic Education Pre-Primary Education Programme. The duration of the course program; it is a total of 400 lesson hours, with a maximum of 4 lesson hours per day.

Child Support Education Course Programme: It is an education model opened by the education institutions affiliated to the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning or other public education institutions and applied for children aged 36-72 months in suitable environments for education and training. When enrolling in the course programme, priority is given to children who will start primary school the following year. If the physical capacity is sufficient, children aged 3 or 4 can also enrol to the programme. The planning, implementation and evaluation stages of the programme are carried out in line with the Pre-primary Education Programme. Child Support Education Course Program consists of a total of 300 hours and is applied for a maximum of 3 hours per day, for not less than 100 days. A "Certificate of Participation" is issued to those who complete the course.

Primary Education Institutions: The compulsory primary education age covers children of 6 to 14 years old. Children who have completed 72 months on December 31st of that year (children who have completed 69 months by the end of September of the year of registration) are enrolled in grade 1 in primary education. In addition, children aged 66,67,68 months by the end of September of the year of registration are enrolled in grade 1 in primary education with their parents’ written request. The objective of primary education is to ensure that every Turkish child acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, behavior and habits to become a good citizen and is raised in accordance with the concept of national morals and that he/she is prepared for life and for the next level of education in accordance with his/her interests, talents and capabilities. Primary education institutions are consist of the four-year and compulsory lower secondary schools four year and compulsory lower secondary schools which give opportunity to allow between different programmes, and lower secondary schools for imams and preachers. The preferable lessons in type of supporting students’ upper secondary education are consist of by students’ ability, improvement and prefers in lower secondary schools and lower secondary schools for imams and preachers

Open Lower Secondary School: It is the institution that provide the opportunity of completing lower secondary education to citizens at least 14 years old who completed primary education but couldn’t attend to lower secondary education because of any reason, by distance educational method. There are not any divisions and teachers in accordance with system. Since 2009-2010 academic year, the completion period of Open Primary School has been reduced to one year from three years. In Open Lower Secondary School, an academic year consists of three semesters. Students are required to renew their registration on the internet every semester (3 times a year) at the times specified in the academic calendar. Registration of students, who do not enroll for one semester, is FREEZING, and registration of students, who do not enroll for two semesters consecutively, is UNREGISTERED. Previous credits of unregistered students are kept in reserve and they can continue from where they left off by reregistering.

Upper Secondary Education: Upper secondary education includes all the teaching institutions, general vocational and technical education institutions with at least four year compulsory formal or non-formal education, based on primary and lower secondary education. The aims and duties of secondary education, in accordance with the general purposes and basic principles of National Education, are as follows;

1. Enabling all students to have the awareness and power to get to know the problems provided that giving culture on minimum common general level look for ways of solution and aqquire the conscious of contributing to country’s economical, social and cultural development and power.

2. Preparing students for higher education or for life and job fields in accordance with their interests, aptitude and abilities with various programs and schools. While these missions are accomplished, a balance is set between students’ expectations and abilities and the needs of the society. General Secondary Education: It is a four-year compulsory educational process that prepares students both for higher education and for the future according to their interests, expectations and abilities in addition to equipping them with world knowledge with an education based on primary education.

General Secondary Education: It is a four-year compulsory educational process that prepares students both for higher education and for the future according to their interests, expectations and abilities in addition to equipping them with world knowledge with an education based on primary education.

Open Upper Secondary High School: It offers education to students who are not able to attend formal educational institutions providing face-to-face education, who have completed the formal education stage in terms of age, and who want to follow an open upper secondary high school while attending upper secondary high school. Education is provided with a pass or fail and a credit system. There are not any classes and teachers as the system does not require them. In 2006, with the upgrading of education of all high schools to 4 years, students enrolled in the Open Upper Secondary High School were gradually included in the 4-year system. Students enrolled at formal education age may graduate 4 years later at the earliest (8 semesters). However, students who are 18 years of age can complete 8 semesters in 2.5 years since they have rights to take examinations three times a year.

An academic year in an Open Upper Secondary High School consists of three semesters. Students are required to renew their registration on the internet every semester (3 times a year) at the times specified in the academic calendar. Registration of students, who do not enroll for one semester, is FREEZING, and registration of students, who do not enroll for two semesters consecutively, is UNREGISTERED. Previous credits of unregistered students are kept in reserve and they can continue from where they left off by reregistering.

Vocational and Technical Secondary Education: It is a four-year compulsory educational process that prepares students both for higher education and for the future as well as for an occupation and job fields according to their interests, expectations and abilities in addition to equipping them with world knowledge with an education based on primary education. 

Vocational and technical education is provided at the secondary education level through formal or private institutions as well as vocational distance education high schools. Additionally, vocational and technical secondary education programs are implemented for individuals who cannot continue with other secondary education programs due to disabilities based on their disability status. Formal vocational and technical secondary institutions include Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools, Multi-Program Anatolian High Schools, Vocational Training Centers, Vocational Distance Education High Schools, as well as Special Education Vocational High Schools, Special Education Vocational Schools and Special Education Practice Schools for disabled individuals.

In general, there are three types of vocational education programs offered in both public and private vocational and technical secondary education institutions. These are Anatolian vocational programs and Anatolian technical programs as school-based vocational education, and workplace-based vocational training center programs. At the secondary education level, vocational high schools, special education vocational schools and special education practice schools implement different programs to disabled individuals based on their specific conditions such as visual impairment, mild intellectual disabilities, autism, hearing impairment, and physical disabilities. Vocational and technical secondary education programs are four-year programs.

Anatolian Vocational Program: It is a type of program which students are placed based on their residential address after middle school without any exam. During the first three years of the four- year education period, students receive academic classes as well as theoretical and vocational courses at schools. The students in this program receive broad-based field education in the 9th grade and from the 10th grade, they continue specialized education based on the students ‘preferences. In 12th grade students spend three days a week receiving skill training at businesses and two days at school for theoretical and practical vocational program due to its curriculum heavily focused on skill training, primarily prepares students for employment. Students who graduate from this type of program have the opportuanity to continue higher education if they wish and succeed in the university entrance exam.

Anatolian Technical Program: It is a type of program which students are placed after middle school according to their performance in the centered exam. During their four-year education period, students receive theoretical and practical vocational courses alongside their academic classes at school. In this program, students receive a broad-based field education in the 9th grade and they continue their education in specialized fields according to the student’s preference. Students undergo a 40-day internship at businesses to enhance their skills in vocational fields. The Anatolian Technical Program primarily prepares students for higher education with its curriculum designed to include intensive knowledge courses alongside vocational subjects. Students graduated from this program have the opportunity to continue higher education if they wish and succeed in the higher education entrance exam.

Vocational Education Center Program– Apprenticeship Education: Vocational education centers are workplace-based vocational education program that accepts enrolment with the middle school graduation requirement. There is no age limit for individuals enrolling in this program. During the four-year education period, students receive practical training in businesses for four days a week based on the contract with the company in their fields. Additionally, one day a week they receive theoretical education related to general knowledge and their profession at school. In this program, students attain overseership status at the end of the 11th grade and mastership proficiency at the end of 12th grade. Vocational education center program prepares students for employment. In the vocational education center program, students can continue their higher education by completing additional courses within or after their education period and obtaining a certificate of mastership and also a certificate of secondary school.

Field and Branch Training: In vocational and technical secondary education in Türkiye, training is provided in various fields and branches in line with the needs of the labor market. The fields and branches for vocational education at the secondary level are determined by Vocational Education Board, established under the framework of the Vocational Education Law no. 3308 and included vocational and technical stakeholders from the puclic and private sectors. Moreover, within the scope of the Presidential Decree No.4, secondary and higher education programs related to vocational and technical education must be aligned with the relevant national occupational standards by the Ministry of National Education and universities within one year. 

Vocational guidance service is provided by Türkiye Employment Agency (ISKUR) for students who need information and assistance in choosing a field/branch, as well as for university students who plan their career. Individual meetings are conducted with students who want to gain a better understanding of themselves, professions, and educational opportuanities in the context of vocational counseling and have more detailed information about career orientation. Career counselling group meetings are conducted in educational institution meeting rooms, career information centers and similar places where the importance of career choice and key considerations in career-decision making are explained. These sessions include providing information about professions, discussing vocational training opportuanities, and explaining higher education options. Addionally, parents and guidance councelors are also informed about the importance of career choice through group meetings. 

Open Vocational Upper Secondary High School: Provisions related to the establishment of Open Vocational Upper Secondary High School dated 24.12.2005 and numbered 26033 are published in the Official Gazette. Students enrolled in Open Vocational Upper Secondary High School as a graduate of Lower Secondary / Primary School after 2006 may graduate 4 years later at the earliest (8 semesters). An academic year in an Open Vocational Upper Secondary High School consists of two semesters. Students are required to renew their registration on the internet every semester (2 times a year) during the times specified in the academic calendar. Students who fail to register for two semesters consecutively will be unregistered. Previous credits of unregistered students are kept in reserve and they can continue from where they left off by reregistering.

Higher Education: Higher education includes all the educational institutions which are based on secondary education, and which provide at least two years of higher education. The aims and duties of secondary education, in accordance with the general purposes and basic principles of National Education, are as follows;

1. Train students according to our country’s science policies and the need for labor in higher and various levels of the society in accordance with their interests, aptitude and abilities,

2. Providing scientific training at various levels,

3. Doing research exploring sciences in further detail in order to finding solutions to scientific, technical and cultural problems especially to ones related to our country,

 4. Providing the society with the results on research focusing on our country’s problems regarding its progress and development with the coordination of the government and institutions and giving opinion on the research the government asks for,

 5. Publishing everything that shows the results of research and that enables science and technology to develop,

6. Providing educational services such as spreading scientific data that can improve the level of Turkish society and that can enlighten the public in written or oral form.

Higher education institutions are

· Universities,

· Faculties,

· Institutes,

· Colleges

· Conservatories

· Vocational Colleges

· Center for Practice and Research

Main concepts

Early Leaving from Education and Training: It is the indicator expressed, according to the household research published by the Statistics Office of the European Community (Avrupa Topluluğu İstatistik Ofisi) (Eurostat), as the rate of the ones  between the ages of 18-24 that are graduates of secondary education at most and not enrolled in any higher educational level to the relevant age population.

Apprenticeship Training It means the education that prepares individuals for a profession in harmony of theoretical education in institutions and practical education in businesses, enable them to improve in their professions and lead to a certificate.

Individuals Requiring Special Education (Individual Necessitating Special Education) It means the individual showing a difference meaningful in the level expected from the peers in terms of their individual characteristics and educational sufficiency for various reasons. 

Groups Necessitating Special Policy or Practice (Disadvantaged Groups) It means groups formed of people like women, youth, long-term unemployed people, disabled who have more difficulty in their education and employment, compared to other groups.

Gifted Individuals: It means the individual who show higher performance than to his/her peers in intelligence, creativity, art, leadership capacity, motivation and special academical fields.

Vocational Education in Businesses: It means educational practices of students from vocational and technical education schools and institutions who receive their skill education in businesses and their theoretical education in vocational and technical education schools and institutions or education units allocated by the businesses and institutions.

Formal Education : Formal education is the regular education conducted within a school for individuals in a certain age group and at the same level, under programs developed in accordance with the purpose. Formal education includes pre-primary, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary and higher education institutions.

Non-Formal Education: In accordance with the general objectives and basic principles of national education, the objectives of nonformal education, which covers citizens who have never entered the formal education system or are at any level of it or have left at that level, and which may accompany formal education or be independent of it are;

*To teach citizens to read and write and to provide them with the possibility of continuous education so that they may complete their deficient education,

*To provide them with the opportunity of education that shall help them in adjusting to scientific, technological, economic, social and cultural developments

*To provide an education that serves to protect, develop, promote and assimilate the values of our national culture,

*To ensure that an understanding and habits for living together, solidarity, mutual assistance, working together and getting organized are acquired and assimilated,

*To provide opportunities for citizens in non-formal education to gain a profession in accordance with the employment policies and in line with the development of the economy,

*To promote a healthy way of life and healthy nutritional habits,

*To provide people engaged in various professions with the necessary information and skills for further development,

*To establish the habit of spending and using spare time productively.

Distance Educational Institution: They are the institutions that offer education with various means of communication to those who are not able to continue to their studies.

Double-shift Education: It is the education provided for the same student groups in the same school in the morning and in the afternoon.

Education with Transport: It is the practice of transporting primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school students who have problems with access to the schools due to various reasons to certain schools on a daily basis with the aim of providing them with education.

Center for Science and Arts: It is the independent special educational institution which is designed with the aim of having gifted students gain awareness of their individual talents, improve their potential and make the most of it without interrupting their education in formal educational institutions.

Blended Education: They are the special education practices based on the principle that individuals in need of special education should continue with their studies with their peers in state or private formal and informal educational institutions with the provision of supporting educational services.

Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation: They are the private educational institutions which function with the goal of eliminating problems resulting from difficulties in speaking and language development, voice defects, mental, physical, auditory, social, emotional deficiencies or behavioral disorders, taking their abilities to upper levels again, improving their self-care and independent living skills and ensuring their adaptation into the society.