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National legislation

Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) cooperates with the Slovak Ministry of Finance and the Slovak Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in drafting laws and other generally binding legal regulations concerning the financial market. NBS also issues generally binding regulations for the enforcement of laws concerning the financial market, and produces and publishes methodological guidelines, opinions and recommendations to explain the application of laws and other generally binding regulations relating to supervised entities and their activities.

The subpage National legislation provides an overview of laws, regulations, decrees, decisions, methodological guidelines, recommendations and opinions concerning particular segments of the financial market. For ease of navigation, the texts are categorised both by financial market segment and type of document. Each document is listed together with a summary of its key details and a link to the full text, where available.

European Union law

As part of its supervision of financial market participants, NBS monitors the compliance of supervised entities with binding legal acts of the European Union which apply to them or their activities, where provided for by these legal acts.

The subpage European Union law provides a list of legal acts and related documents issued by EU institutions and bodies. The texts are categorised both by financial market segment and type of document. Besides regulations, directives and decisions there are related guidelines, recommendations and opinions,as well as Questions and Answers (Q&A) issued mainly in regard to guidelines of European Supervisory Authorities. All documents are listed together with a summary of their key details, and most include a link to the full text or information about its consolidated version.

Cooperation arrangements

As part of its supervision of supervised entities, NBS cooperates with other domestic and foreign entities, authorities and institutions, particularly with regard to the disclosure and provision of requested information.

The subpage Cooperation arrangements lists arrangements on cooperation and information exchange between NBS and competent authorities or entities in Slovakia, as well as arrangements and agreements at the European or international level concerning cooperation in the field of financial market supervision.

Guide to legal regulations

The subpage Guide to legal regulations provides further details about different types of legal documents of the European Union, particularly in terms of their binding effect.

Materials presented for comments

Draft secondary legislation issued by NBS for the implementation of financial market-related laws may, as part of the legislative process, be presented for comments through the Legislative and Information Portal Slov-Lex. Any individual or group may make a comment.

The subpage Materials presented for comments (in Slovak language only) provides information about the current status of inter-ministerial comment procedure for draft legal regulations on financial market within NBS’s field of competence.

Consultation papers

EU institutions and the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) publish consultation papers on their websites in order to invite comments on the issue in question from competent supervisory authorities, professionals and members of the public across EU Member States. All consultation papers state in the introduction how and by when comments may be submitted.

The subpage Consultation papers includes an overview of selected consultation papers on issues that NBS deems to be important for financial market participants. Most of these consultation papers are issued by the ESAs, i.e. the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIPOA), and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Guidelines issued by European Supervisory Authorities and adopted by NBS

The ESAs issue guidelines and recommendation addressed to competent authorities or financial market participants, with a view to establishing consistent, efficient and effective supervisory practices within the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) and to ensuring the common, uniform and consistent application of EU law. The competent authorities and financial market participants are required to make every effort to comply with these guidelines and recommendations.

This page provides an overview of ESA guidelines that NBS have expressed their intention to comply with.

Last updated on 14 Jan 2025