- Publication date
- 26 January 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 16.12.2021 on the financing of the multiannual action plan in favour of the NDICI Neighbourhood East Region part 1 for 2021-2022
Annex 1 - Strengthening interconnectivity through implementation of Common Aviation Area Agreements and improved civil aviation safety
Annex 2 - Strengthening Environmental Resilience and Maritime Safety for Black and Caspian Sea riparian states
Annex 3 - European Union Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova1 and Ukraine (EUBAM 13 – Supporting resilience across borders).
Annex 4 - Structural Reform Facility (Phase 3)
Annex 5 - EU4Digital: supporting digital economy and society in the Eastern Partnership – Phase II
Annex 6 - Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) action programme 2021-2022 for the Eastern Neighbourhood under the NDICI-Global Europe Regulation
Annex 7 - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility for Resilient and Inclusive Societies for 2021-2022
Annex 8 - East Global Allocation 2021-2022