Temple presents wage and benefits proposal to TAUP
Dear colleagues,
Since contract negotiations between Temple University representatives and the Temple Association of University Professionals (TAUP) began in August 2023, Temple has kept the community informed with negotiation-specific updates and regular Temple Now stories. For continued transparency, as the frequency of bargaining sessions increases, so will our communication with the Temple community.
On Monday, Feb. 26, after mutually agreeing on a package of six noneconomic proposals, Temple University representatives were first to present an economic package proposal to representatives of TAUP. The economic package featured the following.
- Retroactive to July 1, 2023, 4% across the board raises for full-time bargaining unit employees, with another 1% merit pool; and then 2% across the board raises with an additional 1% merit pool in each of the next four years.
- Effective for the fall 2023 semester, the adjunct per-credit minimum will be $1,800 (up 12.5% from $1,600). Adjuncts in the bargaining unit as of fall 2023 and/or spring 2024 who earned above the minimum will receive a one-time payment of $400, less required withholdings and deductions, paid within 30 days of ratification. The adjunct per-credit minimum will increase by $50 per year beginning with the fall 2024 semester.
- Librarians and academic professionals will be eligible for paid parental leave under Temple’s policy applicable to nonrepresented Temple staff.
- Librarians and academic professionals will be eligible for short-term disability benefits on the same terms applicable to nonrepresented Temple staff.
Details of the package and information about the negotiation process to date can be read in this week’s Temple Now. The university has presented this package on the condition that it be ratified by March 31, 2024.
Concerns about wage increases and job security, among other pertinent issues, remain at the forefront of these negotiations, which is why in June and in October 2023, the university proposed a contract extension through June 30, 2024, to allow for bargaining unit members to receive a retroactive increase while negotiations continued. That offer was rejected by TAUP.
We do, however, remain positive about negotiations to date. The introduction of this package by Temple demonstrates the university’s intent to move negotiations toward a positive resolution, and signals progress on many noneconomic items.
Temple will continue to negotiate in good faith and with a collaborative spirit, and we are confident that an agreement will be reached that provides fair conditions and compensation for faculty, librarians and academic professionals, while also honoring our commitment to keep a Temple education affordable for our students and their families.
Temple and TAUP have scheduled six additional negotiation dates between March 18, 2024, and May 1, 2024. We will keep you informed as meetings are held and progress is made.
Sharon Boyle
Vice President for Human Resources