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  1. Softwarebedrijf
  2. IT-consultancy

Informatie afkomstig van verschillende externe bronnen

We help companies to take a leap into the digitalisation process. We offer a new way of developing software and websites, whether it is an application for your employees or your customers. We take a great care to understand your requirements and those of your business, to ensure that the software we develop really fulfils the needs of your company.




TrustScore 4 uit 5

4 reviews

5 sterren
4 sterren
3 sterren
2 sterren
1 ster

Beoordeeld met 5 van de 5 sterren

Very modern, flexible and competent company

Super helpful and correct company. They understand your need, are really openminded and competent. It is fun to sparr and come to the best possible result together. We needed a website with planning system, and the guys from Istarii met all our requirements. They are honest, both in what is possible and what is wanted to achieve your goals as a company. They are also flexible and understanding for every situation. The only downside there was is that they used to be situated in the city centre of Brussels, which meant trouble with parking etc. They fiwed this however by moving to a different location more at the edge of the city so they are much better reachable. Love it!I would definitely reccomend this company to anyone who wants something more special and proper!

Datum van ervaring: 01 maart 2021

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