The Simple app coaches people on long-term weight loss and healthy eating.
We empathize with the frustration people feel as a result of fad diets, false promises, and confusing health info. So everything we recommend is delivered with care (not judgment!) and intentionally free from unreasonable, unsustainable, and joyless dieting practices. That's right — Simple’s practical weight loss approach doesn't require calorie counting, cutting out essential food groups, or weighing every bite.
With us, you’ll be supported to make steady progress towards your desired weight and a healthier lifestyle through our positive, easy-to-follow daily coaching — which centers on:
1. The expertise of our Science team (with experts in nutrition, behavior change, digital health, and medicine), making sure everything we put out into the world is evidence-based.
2. Avo, the in-app AI coach that provides proactive prompts, timely tips, and real-time answers to guide users throughout your health journey, 24/7.
3. Flexibility, so you can learn and adopt wellness strategies gradually, at your own pace.
Still reading? We love that energy. You must have the same appetite for well-being as we do. See you soon!