Music smashes box office records: Global Value of Music Copyright soars to $45.5bn, now worth more than cinema
Whether you're investing, operating or earning from music copyright, you ought to know how much it's all worth — and how each piece of the puzzle is trending.
A Case for Completion
Everyone agrees: the music streaming economic model needs to change. Yet no alternative to the status quo, which has remained unchanged for two decades, has captured the consensus.
Will gets to work and makes Canada's ambitious Online Streaming Act a success
Imagine checking your phone today and seeing the headline “Spotify launches web app to ‘Canadify’ your music selection.” You’d be forgiven for thinking this is in response to the recent passage of the Online Streaming Act – but you’d be wrong.
Music Ally | Music Business Worldwide | The Logic | Billboard
Soundcloud Rockonomics
With Fan Powered Royalties, Soundcloud changed the rules. Read on for this exclusive insight into how that changed the game.
Mind the Gap: Why is all the podcast money in the US?
There’s not much money in podcasts – that we all know. And where there is money to be made – it’s the US. We need to find out why, and if that’ll change.
It’s official: music’s a $40bn business. Global Value of Music Copyright ramps up 14% to $41.5bn in 2022, with publishers clawing back share
First thing’s first: Why do I go into a bat cave every October and calculate this figure? The primary answer is policy. There’s an axiom in lobbying circles that politicians are more likely to respond to bigger numbers than smaller ones. This work gives us that number.
Glocalisation of music streaming within and across Europe
Our analysis of ten European markets uncovers a phenomenon that we’ve termed ‘glocalisation’, where the majority of countries studied saw an absolute and relative increase in the domestic share of their top ten songs and artists in 2022. Contrary to the perverse effects of globalisation where large markets often dominate small, we uncover evidence of local markets growing in their domestic identity.
Equitable Remuneration Policy Options and their Unintended Consequences
At the 43rd session of WIPO's Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, Will Page was invited to present his perspective on Equitable Remuneration, addressing the policy options and their unintended consequences. This report provides WIPO Member State Governments with the evidence base for discussion on this important issue.
Global Value of Music Copyright jumps 18% to a record high of $39.6bn in 2021: could it have been even higher?
In the increasingly competitive attention economy, music periodically needs to take stock of its true worth. The annual task of calculating the global value of music copyright enables such an appraisal, looking not just at record labels but also publishers and collective management organisations (CMOs).
From Suffering to Recovering: The stats that explain why the UK music industry is set for a dramatic post-lockdown comeback
In 2019, British gig-goers spent GBP £1.7 billion on concert tickets (or ‘box office’), a fifth more than the £1.4 billion that consumers spent on recorded music in the same 12 months.
Global Value of Music Copyright is bigger now than it’s ever been
The discovery of a very old report sheds new light on just how much the entire music copyright industry has grown since the heyday of CDs, and who got what share.
New Year, New Idea: Post pandemic lessons from those who were first to suffer, first to recover
There’s a booming market in assessing the state of post-Covid recovery.
Global Value of Music Copyright up 2.7% to $32.5bn in 2020; scales tip in favour of labels whose boom in streaming growth offset the bust in public performance for publishers
Music should know how much it's worth. Calculating the global value of music copyright provides the answer.
The story behind the soundtrack to the book
Tarzan Economic is a one-way ride: you can read it in many ways, I recommend you take the plunge and listen to the songs (and watch the films) referenced.
The Global Value of Music Copyright reached a record high of $31.6bn in 2019, up $2.1bn on prior year. Streaming makes up 47%.
Music needs to know how much its worth.
“If only I knew then what I know now” – tips for first time authors
“The best way to be relaxed is to be prepared” - I remember those words from a lecturer at University in Scotland.
“Playing Tennis with Yourself” – reflections on writing the book
Back when this journey began I was told ‘writing a book was a terrible idea, it’s like playing tennis with yourself’.