Channel 5 Recenzje 982

Wynik TrustScore: 1 na 5


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Oceniono na 1 z 5

Electric vs petrol car which is better, 21h00 13 Jan 2024
Poor TV , no objective tests or lifetime ownership costs / depreciation to give the full ownership picture. No end to end environmental
impact , waste disposal , electricity generating pollution , mining precious metals etc. What about simply keeping an old, clean petrol car and maintaining it for longer .. synthetic fuels presenting a risk to electric longevity ..
and then the boot space test between two different car sizes/ manufacturers.
It was a show for someone with the IQ of a carpet sample .. what a crap piece of TV full of repeat filler content .. oh dear very poor production ..

Oceniono na 1 z 5


Oceniono na 1 z 5

We cannot use the app either. A long seven ads to start, then the minute the programme starts it freezes. This happens all the time. Channel 5 claim the Internet speed may not be fast enough, but seeing as we don't get any trouble with all of our other streaming apps, that is utter nonsense. Channel 5 needs to completely overhaul their app and make sure it works for everyone. If not, there is no point to it at all.

Oceniono na 1 z 5

If you feel you have to cut out multiple, quite innocent scenes from a classic comedy film because a knife is involved, why show it during the afternoon of a holiday?
You do not state that this fil
m has been butchered in the listings, so you are misleading viewers.
Get a grip......

Informacje dotyczące firmy

  1. Producent oprogramowania

Informacje przekazane przez różne źródła zewnętrzne

Channel 5 is a British commercial television network.

Dane kontaktowe

  • Long Acre 22, WC2E, London, Zjednoczone Królestwo


Oceniono na 1 z 5

Ch5's 'Petrol vs Electric' program bias just shows why people no longer trust so-called 'mainstream' media anymore!!!

Watching Ch5's 'Petrol vs Electric' on January 13th '25 I'm at a loss to remember a more incompetent pile of steaming Bullsh!t to grace our screens in some time. Whole sections of what was essentially a 'comparison test' were deliberately omitted by the program makers in connection to the EV side of this one-sided debate.
Nothing whatsoever was discussed in terms of Electric Vehicle 'parts and servicing' costs which has horrified some EV owners to the point they'll never buy another, then there's crippling Insurance costs due to large numbers of EV's being scraped if damaged in an accident and a potential fire risk too.
Nothing was said regards global mining operations scarring the landscape, or Child Labour abuses, or issues with EV battery recycling, or problems with charging the bloody thing if you don't have a driveway....absolutely zip, zero, nada!!!
Then Ch5 showed it's true colours and had the gall to call eye-watering deprecation 'value for money' if buyers were shopping for a second hand EV as opposed to a Petrol car, the disgraceful bias was oozing from Ch5 and I recommend watching this program on 'catch-up' just to remind any new EV buyer the huge sums of cash they will potentially lose over two or three years if they go down the EV route.
As for this show, I'll be complaining to OFCOM and recommend others do so too, don't let Ch5 away with this junk on TV!!!

Data doświadczenia: 13 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Poor TV content

Electric vs petrol car which is better, 21h00 13 Jan 2024
Poor TV , no objective tests or lifetime ownership costs / depreciation to give the full ownership picture. No end to end environmental impact , waste disposal , electricity generating pollution , mining precious metals etc. What about simply keeping an old, clean petrol car and maintaining it for longer .. synthetic fuels presenting a risk to electric longevity ..
and then the boot space test between two different car sizes/ manufacturers.
It was a show for someone with the IQ of a carpet sample .. what a crap piece of TV full of repeat filler content .. oh dear very poor production ..

Data doświadczenia: 13 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

What a load of crxx

I turn on my5 15 mins ago and it is still playing the same ads over and over again. If you like ads, this is definitely the channel for you. Come on my5. Sort it out.

Data doświadczenia: 13 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

The worst streaming app ever!

We cannot use the app either. A long seven ads to start, then the minute the programme starts it freezes. This happens all the time. Channel 5 claim the Internet speed may not be fast enough, but seeing as we don't get any trouble with all of our other streaming apps, that is utter nonsense. Channel 5 needs to completely overhaul their app and make sure it works for everyone. If not, there is no point to it at all.

Data doświadczenia: 13 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

I used to like channel five news until…

I used to like channel five news until I keep.seeing these commercials about how Ben has your back he never had my back when I needed him he is not a SUPER HERO more like a hypocrite I enjoy watching David Muir but I am turned off on channel five news now I feel as if the advertisement is false and it just turns me off I am mostly watching channel ten and seven news now thank you Rosemary Amadeo

Data doświadczenia: 10 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Your program catching America's…

Your program catching America's speeders is absolute rubbish! If that's the best you can show from the whole of America I suggest you don't bother, it is even worse than the UK version and that is absolute shit! CH 5 you really are going down hill!

Data doświadczenia: 09 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

If you feel you have to cut out…

If you feel you have to cut out multiple, quite innocent scenes from a classic comedy film because a knife is involved, why show it during the afternoon of a holiday?
You do not state that this film has been butchered in the listings, so you are misleading viewers.
Get a grip......

Data doświadczenia: 02 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5


All of the reports below about the MY5 App are true. At the moment I select a programme to stream, then see two adverts and then the “VJS 2010” error. Other times the screen just goes blank before starting. Complete waste of space (... and time!)

Data doświadczenia: 03 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Hows to spoil 2 top film's

Hows to spoil 2 top film's, just watched crocodile 1 and 2 and was so disappointed that channel 5 has taken all the good and funny scenes out I really understand why so many cancel TV licence it's pitiful

Data doświadczenia: 01 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Why do you cut out innocent lines and…

Why do you cut out innocent lines and scenes like Crocodile Dundee 2. Some of the best lines and scenes have been removed and spoils the enjoyment of a very good film. None of the omitted lines could have offended anyone with a brain. So why do it? Please respond as your answer will let me understand why!

Data doświadczenia: 01 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Censorship/Dictatorship Channel

Just watching Crocodile Dundee on Channel 5 (01.01.2025). Large sections of this film have been removed. Relevant regardless of the wording. There is no point watching anything on this Channel as they have taken it upon themselves to delete a script they did not write. An absolute disgrace and nothing short of 'Dictatorship/Censorship and Control'. Apparently the Prostitutes were not offensive as they were left in, all be it, some of their script deleted again. Why not just put a blanket statement on your channel - 'Being offended is subjective so don't watch it if it does', that way as adults we can make the choice. A prime example of being told how to think and what is acceptsble. I won't be watching Channel 5 from now on - you are boycotted for having the audacity to tell me what is and is not acceptable.

Data doświadczenia: 01 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 3 z 5

Adverts mostly

I have a problem a lot on my LG tv in the living room, try to open the app, it opens but you can’t select to watch anything. I’m also able to watch upstairs on my 11 year old blaupunkt. My issue is why do you have to put adverts on within 2 mins of already watching them? You get to watch 3 mins of tv then 6 mins of ads, then towards the end of the programme it gets worse… 2 mins of tv then 8 mins of adverts!?! Irritating.

Data doświadczenia: 24 grudnia 2024

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