BBC Recenzje 9327

Wynik TrustScore: 1,5 na 5


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Oceniono na 1 z 5

Yet again I have been defrauded by the BBC. No transmission on free view on my favourite channels. How do you pillocks get away with having part ownership of freeview that has adverts!!! Are you both fashist and commies #######'s Farage 4 El presidente. He can get rid of the recycled Cadbury smash advert robot
With the wonky voice. His dad was a toolmaker you know.

Oceniono na 1 z 5

They are so left it angers me something everyone pays for should not be so one sided. Added to that massively over representation on gay or foreign people I have a Jamaican wife and mixed race children and a massive mix of friends but if aliens watched most things on here you would think white straight people where the minority.

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Such a bunch of liars backing the fake liberal agenda. Pretty soon people will be embarrassed to say they watch this type of fake “news”.

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Why does the BBS continue to put out a website with broken links? Do they run no checks on coding or simply do not care?...Even their 'report a fault' link does not work...sheer amateur delivery..,

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Oceniono na 5 z 5

One of the best news sources and…

One of the best news sources and broadcasters out there, and it makes me proud to be British. There seem to be loads of one-star reviews claiming it's left-biased, but that says more about the reviewers than the BBC, which in my opinion is neutral, factual and reliable.

Data doświadczenia: 13 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Yet again I have been defrauded by the…

Yet again I have been defrauded by the BBC. No transmission on free view on my favourite channels. How do you pillocks get away with having part ownership of freeview that has adverts!!! Are you both fashist and commies #######'s Farage 4 El presidente. He can get rid of the recycled Cadbury smash advert robot
With the wonky voice. His dad was a toolmaker you know.

Data doświadczenia: 04 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

The total absurdity of BBC 'news' reporting is fun to watch, if it wasn't for the depressing seriousness of the stories behind it!!!

Anyone else watch the total absurdity on BBC news recently regards the California wild fires and the rotten BBC's over the top hysterical reporting of 'man made climate change' as the culprit behind it, yes, the words used are 'underlying impact of climate change' regarding this issue.
Reading on down the bias BBC article they contradict themselves by saying the wild fires have been made worse by 'Strong winds and lack of rain' which is probably true as far as it goes, but what they need to add is that in all likelihood the fires started from a thrown away cigarette butt, a camp fire not properly extinguished or perhaps kids playing with matches, who knows, however, in the next breath the vile Beeb claim 'The causes of the original fires are not yet known', talk about having your cake and eating it???
If I remember correctly, the BBC linked many other forest fires across the globe with so-called 'man-made climate change' such as the Greek wild fires in 2024 and one can clearly see their 'agenda' at work: make no mistake this is an agenda writ large.
It's now patently obvious to many knowledgeable observers that the overrated BBC tows the Globalist/WEF line and should be red-faced to call itself an independent arbitrator of 'truth' when in actual fact all it's good for is spin, deception and half-truths bordering on bare-faced lies in many spheres of news broadcasting, in short, I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw it!!!

Data doświadczenia: 11 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

They are so left it angers me something…

They are so left it angers me something everyone pays for should not be so one sided. Added to that massively over representation on gay or foreign people I have a Jamaican wife and mixed race children and a massive mix of friends but if aliens watched most things on here you would think white straight people where the minority.

Data doświadczenia: 10 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 5 z 5

SAS Rogues

I've just finnished watching SAS Rogues on the I Player and it's cost me a lot of sleep but I have to say it's the best thing I've seen on television in the last forty years. There have been many jems produced by the Beeb in that time but the depiction of the physical and more, the mental side of what those absolute Heroes suffered is a herald to their bravery. I'm not a military man but I feel the depiction of what those men became due to necessity was due. Thank you BBC for an incredible series. Made me sooo proud to be British. Long live those heroes in our hearts.

Data doświadczenia: 10 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 5 z 5

I really like bbc Asia network

I really like bbc Asia network - radio , breakfast beats with Nikita kanda the remix, songs no stop , please extend to day and night time . Give her a pay rise because she has good music taste 😀, all the rest you have during the day is rubbish and not worth of listening too

Data doświadczenia: 10 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

BBC Website is SO buggy

Why does the BBS continue to put out a website with broken links? Do they run no checks on coding or simply do not care?...Even their 'report a fault' link does not work...sheer amateur delivery..,

Data doświadczenia: 10 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 2 z 5

Why do we pay for tv licence when there…

Why do we pay for tv licence when there are so many repeats. Like most channels BBC is dire. Oh, and so many repeats on BBC Alba. As great as she s does Julie Fowlis own this channel? Also cancelling Season three of World On Fire was a big mistake. I suppose it’ll be rubbish instead.

Data doświadczenia: 08 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Liberal propaganda

Liberal propaganda. Because of writers like the idiots that characterized soon-to-be president Trump’s speech tonight as “rambling “, we have been subjected to the shambles of the tearfully inept Biden presidency. Shame on you for calling yourself a journalist.

Data doświadczenia: 07 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

There are no words to describe how appalling BBC iPlayer is

There are no words to describe how appalling BBC iPlayer is. I pay my license fee but it is incapable of remembering what you were watching and where you stopped. If you want to look up something as simple as the latest series of Doctor Who, it will not show it. The BBC does not deserve to survive and it certainly does not deserve to have a compulsory license fee. I doubt I will get a response to this review because the BBC is so incompetent it cannot act on feedback. If I do get feedback, it will be a complete tissue of lies. The average trust pilot rating for the BBC is shocking.

Data doświadczenia: 03 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

BBV TV Licence Renewal

BBV TV Licence Renewal. I just gone through the process of telling the BBC that I do not need a TV Licence. Why not? I don't have a TV. I am very busy with work and other activities that do not leave me time to watch the TV and, because of this it does not represent good value to own a TV set. The BBC, however, views matters differently. Last year I was advised that it is best to notify the BBC Licence fee department that I did not have a TV to avoid calls from TV Licence inspectors. A relatively easy process? Sort of, you notify them online and they send you an acknowledgment. This is where the problems start. There is no option to simply say "I don't watch the BBC" instead you are required to give a reason, I had to opt for telling them I did not live at my address and. hence it was empty. This, of course, is not true, it is simply that I choose not to have a TV set. The BBC however are too arrogant to accept that I may not wish/need to own TV and watch their programmes. This year I have just renewed my declaration that I do not own a TV. One has to answer a series of questions, that are clearly designed to catch out the non-viewer out so they can be advised that, in fact, they do need a TV Licence. There is no option to declare 'I do not own a TV' or, perhaps more importantly 'I do not watch the BBC as I am dissatisfied with their programme content'. Even when one has made the declaration the response is an email that is worded in such a way as to imply that they are 'thinking about' your declaration as if you are a naughty schoolboy standing in front of a disbelieving school headmaster. I am required to wait for five days for a response to my declaration (incidentally it is ten days if one makes a complaint, which says something about their priorities). At the end of all this there is a caveat that suggests you may still get a visit from a TV Licence Inspector. So, let us consider this for a moment. Should you choose not to shop at Tesco for example (I use Tesco as a fictitious example as I actually do shop at Tesco) do they retain the right to send someone round to your house and check your fridge for their products? Of course not, that would be ludicrous, and yet BBC Licensing have exactly that right, they can demand entry and search your premises, i.e. look through your private property to seek a TV set. If you refuse you can be prosecuted simply on the basis of your refusal. This means that if, for any reason, you are uncomfortable about having a total stranger searching your property you are at risk of being criminalised. One should be mindful that in every other instance even the Police & HM Customs and Excise need a warrant to carry out such action, the BBC Licence fee Inspector has that as an automatic right. It is simply not acceptable. One then goes the the thorny issue of BBC TV's continual scandals that, even as a non viewer, I am well aware of. There have been numerous scandals, sadly some of them sex scandals that have blighted the BBC and I have no wish to contribute to the inflated salaries of those who are perpetrators of such acts. Sadly, and very disappointingly, it appears that the BBC are not as punctilious in this matters as they should be and, please remember, some of those offenders have been prosecuted whilst others spent a lifetime not being properly investigated - I am deliberately not naming names, but you, on reading this, will know who I am mentioning as these incidents have been very widely published in the media. All in all, I sum up the BBC as disappointing, I cannot comment on the quality of their products, as I am a non-watcher, but the forcible and bullying approach surrounding the issue of TV Licensing and the very public scandals make me want to avoid them and anything to do with them.

Data doświadczenia: 03 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Thieves and PDFiles

Thieves and PDFiles. Do not endorse this sham of a company. Everyone needs to boycott and get A NO TV LICENCE DECLARATION! If you have a TV licence you are encouraging PDFile activity.

Data doświadczenia: 01 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 4 z 5

Sophie Ellis Baxter b Joold Holland

Sophie Ellis Baxter was superb in her after midnight performance. Total credit for her performance and energy. Turning over to Joold Holland. A mixed bag of performance. Marc Almond was poor but bob gelfof was utterly dreadful. Time he went out to pasture.

Data doświadczenia: 01 stycznia 2025

Oceniono na 5 z 5

Only child

Only child
It’s such good viewing and easy watching
Can’t wait for the next episode

Data doświadczenia: 27 grudnia 2024

Oceniono na 1 z 5

You need a ZERO star rating

You need a ZERO star rating. I decided to cancel my TV licence recently....SO glad I did. Should have done it year's ago. The BBC is not fit for purpose now. I am absolutely NOT prepared to have my license fee used for creating programmes about a terrorist sympathiser and that Shamama Bagum appalling programme was the final straw. You do NOT represent anyone in the UK BBC....time for getting rid of ALL OF YOU who work there

Data doświadczenia: 27 grudnia 2024

Oceniono na 1 z 5

Unsafe and Useless Website

The website keeps trying to get me to have an account and it has no security. Where is the security ? Is it run by Chinese State Security ??

Breaking news cuts out to the old website in a matter of seconds ..Who is in charge of creating this shambles and the accountability must go to those at the very top , who should be fired for being so out of touch

Data doświadczenia: 28 grudnia 2024

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