Yet again I have been defrauded by the BBC. No transmission on free view on my favourite channels. How do you pillocks get away with having part ownership of freeview that has adverts!!! Are you both fashist and commies #######'s Farage 4 El presidente. He can get rid of the recycled Cadbury smash advert robot
With the wonky voice. His dad was a toolmaker you know.
Firmy korzystające z platformy Trustpilot nie mogą oferować żadnych zachęt ani płacić za ukrywanie recenzji.
Zobacz, co mówią recenzenci
They are so left it angers me something everyone pays for should not be so one sided. Added to that massively over representation on gay or foreign people I have a Jamaican wife and mixed race children and a massive mix of friends but if aliens watched most things on here you would think white straight people where the minority.
Such a bunch of liars backing the fake liberal agenda. Pretty soon people will be embarrassed to say they watch this type of fake “news”.
Why does the BBS continue to put out a website with broken links? Do they run no checks on coding or simply do not care?...Even their 'report a fault' link does not work...sheer amateur delivery..,
Inni użytkownicy przeglądali również
Good source of information.
The bbc website is one of the largest in the world. It not only offers the television and radio information, it also offers one of the most reliable weather forecasts in the country and is a good source for the news headlines and reports. The BBC site has something for everybody.
Data doświadczenia: 28 maja 2011
Simply the Best - BBC
The BBC are the best, no adverts, no rubbish, all round good value for money, if only other Channels would go Ad Free, or If we could PAY Sky to NOT show ADs, surely this makes sence.
Data doświadczenia: 11 kwietnia 2011
Always good content
Not always impressed with the TV programmes there's more on sky for a better monthly cost but there online content and services are world beating!! Better than sky better than CNN
Data doświadczenia: 01 kwietnia 2011
Easy to use, informative, entertaining and the iplayer is brilliant. beats anyday.
Data doświadczenia: 23 grudnia 2010
Superb website and in particular the News coverage
Great website
Data doświadczenia: 12 listopada 2010
Makes you feel proud - Ditch the celebrity crap though!
Please ste back aa little from the populist clap trap, thank you.
Data doświadczenia: 21 listopada 2009
THE place to go for news
Well balanced articles, official news as well as interesting blogs. My first web-visit of the day is to the sports section for football news.
Data doświadczenia: 15 października 2009
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